What’s New At Aero India 2013? These 2 Fifth Gen Models

The Sukhoi-HAL Prospective Multirole Fighter seen here as a model for the first time and a model of India’s re-designed Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) are about the only two things that I went looking for today at Yelahanka. Will post more about these two concepts this week.

15 thoughts on “What’s New At Aero India 2013? These 2 Fifth Gen Models”

    1. Siddharth Satpathy

      Yes this is the two seater AMCA version, initial design changes were made to avoid the third seat for safety and payload let limitations.

  1. With AMCA,I hope they calculate the right spec for the engine and have additional factor to compensate for future weight increase and not make mistake of Tejas? Find the engine then design the airframe around it.

  2. apart from engines position both looks almost same. For AMCA, it would be better if Hal takes some design help from certain aerospace companies like Northrop-Grumman or Japanese Kawasaki as boeing or lockheed or sukhoi are strategic partners for their country.

  3. Hope AMCA meets it's timeline.ADA have learnt a lesson from LCA, AMCA should not get delayed we are behind the schedule even Chinese have their J-20 & J-31 prototypes are already flying,we need AMCA & PAK FGFA to counter their stealths.

  4. well AMCA it seems has taken off from drawing boards.Materialization of AMCA seems a distant dream,AMCA will suffer the same fate of LCA tejas.

  5. well AMCA it seems has taken off from drawing boards.Materialization of AMCA seems a distant dream,AMCA will suffer the same fate of LCA tejas.

  6. by the time AMCA rolls out USAF will have their 6th GEN prototypes flying with new advanced weapons.

    ADA is good at displaying models than Final products,they will never learn.Private aerospace firms are also not ready to invest heavily in R&D,well if the trend continues like this we will always have to play the catch up game.

  7. To an untrained eye AMCA concept looks more modern than PMFA.

    Besides, best part is timeline. Both projects if synchronized properly would benefit each other so much so that in effort of 1.25 county could get value of 2..

    Good Speed!

  8. AMCA is a smaller and lesser capable aircraft than the fgfa. The design is simple as we are on the learning curve. FGFA design is brilliant and reflects its sukhoi pedigree. We can hope to catchup only after 2030 at the earliest.

  9. Siddharth Satpathy

    Does this adhere to Go Green Norms? Indian Act IPC 293 demands all aircrafts to use recycled metal for their construction. So who will answer my question. Is anyone there who cares about the planet. Idiots believe that Pradhana Mantri Shri Nadendra Modi displayed India’s true power by killing unknown, unverifiable pakistani terrorists after the Pulwama attack, little does anyone know that when Moody ji steps down as PM all the lies will come crashing. one of the headlines will be “Local man hired to kill 3 jawans in pulwama, Media manipulated to report 40 deaths just before elections, Supreme court orders public questioning of ex PM Shri Nadendra Modi”

  10. Siddharth Satpathy

    Indigenous development of aircrafts has been affected due to brain drain, by 2020 india was supposed to have the largest number of fighter jets in the world, we will surely reach that point, only if talented Indians didn’t leave the country and sold their souls to foren agencies

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