Hello Shiv, I sent a mail to you that nobody is talking about the performance of Tejas at Iron Fist. This video is no performance at Iron Fist. Want to comment? H.V.Badkas
tejas is seriously 3rd genor 3++ at best….no room for it in the era of 4++ nd 5th gen…it might have mfds nd fbw but the aerodynamic performance is still in 70s….wont be competitive against j-10s..:/…but i must say that had the project been on schedule ,it would have been a prized possesion for the IAF in the 80s nd 90s …would have succeded the mig 21 FL nd MF…nd saved the lives of many valuable pilots…also we wouldn't have been in such a mess today nd spend billions for 4th gen rafale…
DRDO has never lived up to its expectations or promises..i wonder what those highly paid nd revered gentlemen nd women do..??? its a matter of shame that when ISRO has reached the moon DRDO is struggling to fully develop a fighter that is already obolete in concept nd configuration….. going by the DRDO schedule….we'll see AMCA prototypes by 2030…LSP upto 2040 nd full scale production by 2045…nd then HAL would taake over nd start building 10 aircraft a year and we would see 200 aircraft ..hopefully by 2060(if we live that long)
It is in the news that AMCA is put on hold and they want to concentrate on the LCA project.To me it is a gamble but something worth taking and if I was decision maker I would have taken the same.Put all your resources for LCA mark 2 and Mark 3 I would go for levicon as a standard feature on MK2 and MK3 with back portion like YF 23 with two ruddervator that would give considerable stealth. The composite skin has to have a thin layer of nano particles and special radar absorbent paint be applied and place four active radar jammars one each in the wings and two in the body and try to work on plasma field generators. I would also like exhausts be like YF 23 serrated planform beavertail to reduce the infrared and radar signature. All this is possible and someone determined can get it done and a prototype that they did not make and did not fly has to be this one and be ready in exactly 1 year as it can shoot any paki or chinki fighter as RD 93 cannot generate the performance of GE 414 IN5S6 as the service ceiling can be increased to 70 thousand feet it body is designed to withstand the low pressure and also rate of acceleration will be increased with new GE engine. It is the opportunity of the Team attain absolute success and achieve what was never achieved and in about 18 months freeze the design and proceed to mass production and then design team can proceed to AMCA with full confidence. It is time the team has to believe in themselves and deliver as this their opportunity to show their capability and wisdom.The same holds for HAL to design IJT.
Shiv, can you confirm the news that the AMCA is on hold until the LCA is delivered?
DRDO/ADA's got some cojones to chase other plane stuff while the LCA is nowhere close to done even after two decades.
By the way, nice video. But LCA still looks like a little bit like a scared puppy. Maybe my expectations are high, but I want to see some wild g-moves pulled. The moves in this video are so mild and no way help win a dogfight against a F-16/M2000/JF's.
"Performance".."beauty"…"shivers"…"work so well"? Are you out of your mind,or have you completely lost it?
This short "propaganda video" is just another reminder of too much money spent on a totally obsolete design that most of the the worlds manufacturer abbandonned in the sixties.. Can't we do anything right??
A short movie showing a "sunday flight"… give me a break!!
Seeing any aircraft in flight is like seeing Elizabeth Taylor in the Bath tub. Quite exciting. But otherwise hardly anything to write home about, The flare ejectors seem to work. BTW those massive undercarriage doors are lovely whilst landing but would cause terrible drag at takeoff, perhaps? Overall performance would make this video suitable for Bankipore fair.Perhaps it is meant for such.
The LCA's will probably be used to bomb enemy infantry escorted by Flankers So much for DRDO and its lousy propaganda videos.
The writing is already on the wall. A decade or two from now, people would be talking about how LCA went the Marut way. Forget AF's spec, draw up your own spec, sit down with the AF, work on the requirement, arrive on something doable and try to deliver the same on time, else AF should float global tenders for its requirement. But alas, we are a gareeb desh and can't afford to blow 300 Billion USD on a prototype DRDO knows this pretty darned well and so does the crafty babu at MoD. Sab chalta hai.. ~hoping some day LCA++ pulls off an 8+ G …
The LCA's will probably be used to bomb enemy infantry escorted by Flankers So much for DRDO and its lousy propaganda videos.
The writing is already on the wall. A decade or two from now, people would be talking about how LCA went the Marut way. Forget AF's spec, draw up your own spec, sit down with the AF, work on the requirement, arrive on something doable and try to deliver the same on time, else AF should float global tenders for its requirement. But alas, we are a gareeb desh and can't afford to blow 300 Billion USD on a prototype DRDO knows this pretty darned well and so does the crafty babu at MoD. Sab chalta hai.. ~hoping some day LCA++ pulls off an 8+ G …
DRDO, particularly the crew that led it in the 80's and 90's has been DRDP's worst enemies. One of their aims was to make DRDO big. This they succeeded in doing.Unfortunately the need to develop competent hardware on time was a goal they were not EQUIPPED to do.They still are not and like Tiresias, old man, we have seen it all and can foretell the rest.
The maneuvers pulled on the Tejas appear to be quite sedate. It is nice to get all these weapons, SU30, Rafale, but what is India doing about these 50 Chinese that put up a camp 10km inside the LAC. Official lines appear to say "they made a mistake on their map". Right, a mistake of 10km.
lot of people posting 3++ , 4++ should explain what is the shortfall in tejas mk-1. it has 120 km detection and tracking range. Mk-2 is going to have aa ASEA radar and interfaces for MEETEOR missiles.It has the lowest clean config RCS among all the 4.5th gen fighters.Was fighters produced in the 70s had these performance specs?. Tejas was produced in 1993. How come it has the performance of 70s?I don't know why people making such obtuse comments even after seeing tejas doing the missile launch and bombing run. What more they expext for the ASR given? Do people expect it to dance like SRK in marriage parties?
lot of people posting 3++ , 4++ should explain what is the shortfall in tejas mk-1. it has 120 km detection and tracking range. Mk-2 is going to have aa ASEA radar and interfaces for MEETEOR missiles.It has the lowest clean config RCS among all the 4.5th gen fighters.Was fighters produced in the 70s had these performance specs?. Tejas was produced in 1993. How come it has the performance of 70s?I don't know why people making such obtuse comments even after seeing tejas doing the missile launch and bombing run. What more they expext for the ASR given? Do people expect it to dance like SRK in marriage parties?
LCA mk-1 is already capable of pulling 8Gs once flight envelope is fully opened.And can take out any J-10 or sukhoi clone with 120 km range meteor or like missile with asea radar combo in mk-2. MK-1 too will get more powerful engine and asea radar in upgrades. What more you want for the two billion dollar development budget asking ada to build a fighter that fits in mig-21 footprint with the flying qualities of Mirage-2000, which will be surpassed in mk-2 and achieved 90 percent in mk-1.
This comment in reference to AMCA Temporary intermission.You MoD Morons are these people out of their mind,AMCA put on hold for LCA delays already LCA is a dead project even if it gets delayed further it doesn't add up to modernization plans of IAF,LCA delay can be supplemented by RAFALE MMRCA but 5th GEN AMCA Technology is critical for IAF to become true potent air force.In fact AMCA project is where all the energy, manpower & funding should be focused not on LCA.Look at Chinese their stealth fighters are already flying they have landed on decks of their carriers by 2018-2019 their stealth fighters will be in PLA squadrons, somehow Chinese have managed to build stealth fighters in a short span of time either by reverse engineering or by technology data theft from Lockheed Martin we call them masters of reverse engineering but at least they have perfected the art of reverse engineering,But here we Indians @ ADA & @ MoD morons not able to make simple decision to compromise on what.INDIA will always be a Developing Nation forever.
"LCA mk-1 is already capable of pulling 8Gs once flight envelope is fully opened.And can take out any J-10 or sukhoi clone with 120 km range meteor or like missile with asea radar combo in mk-2."
I love the caveats. LCA can do everything as long as "flight enveloped is opened". " will be done in MK-2". You really must be smoking something good. If this was the private sector, this project would have been long dead.
I've been fed this BS for a long time. Back in the late 90's and the last decade it felt really good to hear that LCA was going to be in service and do the dandia by 2005/2007. But forgive me now if I don't share you enthusiasm. Talk to me in 3 years once you're off the habit.
At this rate, the only way to get a LCA in the IAF by 2015 would be to paint the M2K's with LCA livery. We've screwed ourselves really well with this one.
tejas is 3rd gen bcoz of range…..that is comparable to mig 21…..nd similar is the performance envelope…..4th gen fighters like f-16 have greater range….nyone can put big radars in an outdated aircraft but that wont make it aerodynamically superior…even mig 21 2000 ,an israeli upgrade for mig 21s had the same radar as the current tejas radar
Can't wait to see it join air force.
Hello Shiv,
I sent a mail to you that nobody is talking about the performance of Tejas at Iron Fist.
This video is no performance at Iron Fist.
Want to comment?
Major part of the video is shot in binocular vision. Hope it doesnt remain a pipe dream of DODO.
I am impressed.
way to go………
can't wait for MK2
What a shame, Such a beauty and we don't have her in our squadron till now.
It would give PAF(and any non believer)shivers seeing the hmd and fbw work so well in this video.
tejas is seriously 3rd genor 3++ at best….no room for it in the era of 4++ nd 5th gen…it might have mfds nd fbw but the aerodynamic performance is still in 70s….wont be competitive against j-10s..:/…but i must say that had the project been on schedule ,it would have been a prized possesion for the IAF in the 80s nd 90s …would have succeded the mig 21 FL nd MF…nd saved the lives of many valuable pilots…also we wouldn't have been in such a mess today nd spend billions for 4th gen rafale…
DRDO has never lived up to its expectations or promises..i wonder what those highly paid nd revered gentlemen nd women do..??? its a matter of shame that when ISRO has reached the moon DRDO is struggling to fully develop a fighter that is already obolete in concept nd configuration…..
going by the DRDO schedule….we'll see AMCA prototypes by 2030…LSP upto 2040 nd full scale production by 2045…nd then HAL would taake over nd start building 10 aircraft a year and we would see 200 aircraft ..hopefully by 2060(if we live that long)
Only photoes and videoes do not Arm a nation, Mr Shiv..
The DODOs have nothing else to give ??
The aircraft still seems overweight hope the ADA-DRDO can help reduce the same also need some stealth on the same
It is in the news that AMCA is put on hold and they want to concentrate on the LCA project.To me it is a gamble but something worth taking and if I was decision maker I would have taken the same.Put all your resources for LCA mark 2 and Mark 3 I would go for levicon as a standard feature on MK2 and MK3 with back portion like YF 23 with two ruddervator that would give considerable stealth. The composite skin has to have a thin layer of nano particles and special radar absorbent paint be applied and place four active radar jammars one each in the wings and two in the body and try to work on plasma field generators. I would also like exhausts be like YF 23 serrated planform beavertail to reduce the infrared and radar signature. All this is possible and someone determined can get it done and a prototype that they did not make and did not fly has to be this one and be ready in exactly 1 year as it can shoot any paki or chinki fighter as RD 93 cannot generate the performance of GE 414 IN5S6 as the service ceiling can be increased to 70 thousand feet it body is designed to withstand the low pressure and also rate of acceleration will be increased with new GE engine. It is the opportunity of the Team attain absolute success and achieve what was never achieved and in about 18 months freeze the design and proceed to mass production and then design team can proceed to AMCA with full confidence. It is time the team has to believe in themselves and deliver as this their opportunity to show their capability and wisdom.The same holds for HAL to design IJT.
Haven't they heard about GoPro
the Best camera solutions for this kind of filming, could have been a lot better with that…..
here's the link about what i am saying
Shiv, can you confirm the news that the AMCA is on hold until the LCA is delivered?
DRDO/ADA's got some cojones to chase other plane stuff while the LCA is nowhere close to done even after two decades.
By the way, nice video. But LCA still looks like a little bit like a scared puppy. Maybe my expectations are high, but I want to see some wild g-moves pulled. The moves in this video are so mild and no way help win a dogfight against a F-16/M2000/JF's.
"Performance".."beauty"…"shivers"…"work so well"? Are you out of your mind,or have you completely lost it?
This short "propaganda video" is just another reminder of too much money spent on a totally obsolete design that most of the the worlds manufacturer abbandonned in the sixties.. Can't we do anything right??
A short movie showing a "sunday flight"… give me a break!!
LCA is not trusted product,, 30 years old design except composites,, ,, its mess up for country ,,
Mindblowing Video !
Seeing any aircraft in flight is like seeing Elizabeth Taylor in the Bath tub. Quite exciting. But otherwise hardly anything to write home about, The flare ejectors seem to work. BTW those massive undercarriage doors are lovely whilst landing but would cause terrible drag at takeoff, perhaps?
Overall performance would make this video suitable for Bankipore fair.Perhaps it is meant for such.
The LCA's will probably be used to bomb enemy infantry escorted by Flankers
So much for DRDO and its lousy propaganda videos.
The writing is already on the wall. A decade or two from now, people would be talking about how LCA went the Marut way. Forget AF's spec, draw up your own spec, sit down with the AF, work on the requirement, arrive on something doable and try to deliver the same on time, else AF should float global tenders for its requirement. But alas, we are a gareeb desh and can't afford to blow 300 Billion USD on a prototype
DRDO knows this pretty darned well and so does the crafty babu at MoD.
Sab chalta hai..
~hoping some day LCA++ pulls off an 8+ G …
The LCA's will probably be used to bomb enemy infantry escorted by Flankers
So much for DRDO and its lousy propaganda videos.
The writing is already on the wall. A decade or two from now, people would be talking about how LCA went the Marut way. Forget AF's spec, draw up your own spec, sit down with the AF, work on the requirement, arrive on something doable and try to deliver the same on time, else AF should float global tenders for its requirement. But alas, we are a gareeb desh and can't afford to blow 300 Billion USD on a prototype
DRDO knows this pretty darned well and so does the crafty babu at MoD.
Sab chalta hai..
~hoping some day LCA++ pulls off an 8+ G …
DRDO, particularly the crew that led it in the 80's and 90's has been DRDP's worst enemies. One of their aims was to make DRDO big. This they succeeded in doing.Unfortunately the need to develop competent hardware on time was a goal they were not EQUIPPED to do.They still are not and like Tiresias, old man, we have seen it all and can foretell the rest.
Awesome vide, Shiv why are the fcuks on your blogs always complaining about DRDO ? No system is without delay and issues.
Nice!!! There does seem to be a malfunction of the flare dispenser at 1:22 however??
Nice!! There does seem to be a flare dispenser malfunction at 1:22, flare seems to explode out and then we see only one being dispensed at a time
The maneuvers pulled on the Tejas appear to be quite sedate. It is nice to get all these weapons, SU30, Rafale, but what is India doing about these 50 Chinese that put up a camp 10km inside the LAC. Official lines appear to say "they made a mistake on their map". Right, a mistake of 10km.
lot of people posting 3++ , 4++ should explain what is the shortfall in tejas mk-1. it has 120 km detection and tracking range. Mk-2 is going to have aa ASEA radar and interfaces for MEETEOR missiles.It has the lowest clean config RCS among all the 4.5th gen fighters.Was fighters produced in the 70s had these performance specs?. Tejas was produced in 1993. How come it has the performance of 70s?I don't know why people making such obtuse comments even after seeing tejas doing the missile launch and bombing run. What more they expext for the ASR given? Do people expect it to dance like SRK in marriage parties?
lot of people posting 3++ , 4++ should explain what is the shortfall in tejas mk-1. it has 120 km detection and tracking range. Mk-2 is going to have aa ASEA radar and interfaces for MEETEOR missiles.It has the lowest clean config RCS among all the 4.5th gen fighters.Was fighters produced in the 70s had these performance specs?. Tejas was produced in 1993. How come it has the performance of 70s?I don't know why people making such obtuse comments even after seeing tejas doing the missile launch and bombing run. What more they expext for the ASR given? Do people expect it to dance like SRK in marriage parties?
LCA mk-1 is already capable of pulling 8Gs once flight envelope is fully opened.And can take out any J-10 or sukhoi clone with 120 km range meteor or like missile with asea radar combo in mk-2. MK-1 too will get more powerful engine and asea radar in upgrades. What more you want for the two billion dollar development budget asking ada to build a fighter that fits in mig-21 footprint with the flying qualities of Mirage-2000, which will be surpassed in mk-2 and achieved 90 percent in mk-1.
This comment in reference to AMCA Temporary intermission.You MoD Morons are these people out of their mind,AMCA put on hold for LCA delays already LCA is a dead project even if it gets delayed further it doesn't add up to modernization plans of IAF,LCA delay can be supplemented by RAFALE MMRCA but 5th GEN AMCA Technology is critical for IAF to become true potent air force.In fact AMCA project is where all the energy, manpower & funding should be focused not on LCA.Look at Chinese their stealth fighters are already flying they have landed on decks of their carriers by 2018-2019 their stealth fighters will be in PLA squadrons, somehow Chinese have managed to build stealth fighters in a short span of time either by reverse engineering or by technology data theft from Lockheed Martin we call them masters of reverse engineering but at least they have perfected the art of reverse engineering,But here we Indians @ ADA & @ MoD morons not able to make simple decision to compromise on what.INDIA will always be a Developing Nation forever.
"LCA mk-1 is already capable of pulling 8Gs once flight envelope is fully opened.And can take out any J-10 or sukhoi clone with 120 km range meteor or like missile with asea radar combo in mk-2."
I love the caveats. LCA can do everything as long as "flight enveloped is opened". " will be done in MK-2". You really must be smoking something good. If this was the private sector, this project would have been long dead.
I've been fed this BS for a long time. Back in the late 90's and the last decade it felt really good to hear that LCA was going to be in service and do the dandia by 2005/2007. But forgive me now if I don't share you enthusiasm. Talk to me in 3 years once you're off the habit.
At this rate, the only way to get a LCA in the IAF by 2015 would be to paint the M2K's with LCA livery. We've screwed ourselves really well with this one.
tejas is 3rd gen bcoz of range…..that is comparable to mig 21…..nd similar is the performance envelope…..4th gen fighters like f-16 have greater range….nyone can put big radars in an outdated aircraft but that wont make it aerodynamically superior…even mig 21 2000 ,an israeli upgrade for mig 21s had the same radar as the current tejas radar
@Uday Sinh Wala…
it was sourced… chndni chowk… next time… burma bazar…
for all the haters and ignorants out there…
now either read it and give some logical arguments…or keep ur mouth shut
tejas was the only aircraft in ironfist 2013 to do a swing role successfully for better understanding of her capability.