DHRUV CRASH UPDATE #1: Three-Member HAL Team To Reach Ecuador

Notwithstanding HAL chairman Ashok Naik’s ill-advised claim to the press yesterday that he has received no formal communication about the Dhruv crash in Ecuador, a three-member expert team from HAL will fly to Ecuador this weekend to join the Accident Investigation Board. HAL currently has a ten-member team in Ecuador that is already assisting with the investigation. Things are at a very delicate stage right now.
The local Spanish daily El Universo has run a story with a headline suggesting that the country’s Dhruvs could be returned to India. It appears that in the face of a torrent of media reports questioning the transparency of the Dhruv purchase, Ecuador’s air force chief General Rodrigo Bohorquez held a press conference where he stated that if any problems were discovered in the helicopters, then HAL would have to either replace the equipment or refund the nation. The newspapers are also picking up on the fact that the Turbomeca engines were manufactured in 2007, whereas the choppers were made in 2008.

13 thoughts on “DHRUV CRASH UPDATE #1: Three-Member HAL Team To Reach Ecuador”

  1. The video of the Dhruv crash can be seen at:


    There's no evidence to back up the claims of "fire" spread by the Ecuadorian media in any of the images available. In fact, prior to impact with the ground, theres no hint of even smoke from the tail section, which would naturally accompany any "fire". HAL needs to act fast to dispel the false propaganda. A professionally managed media counter-offensive needs to be organized by HAL ASAP! If it is sabotage, then EADS would possibly head the list of suspects. If that is substantiated even remotely, then the EADS Typhoon should be banned from the Indian MMRCA competition in retaliation.

  2. HAL is in la la land. At a time when they should proactively be looking to promote their product … they are scratching each others asses.

    Why dont the idiots … get a hold of some top Ecuadorian journalists … fly them here on biz class.. in like 72 hours … show them around … Get the IAF to fly them a sortie in Leh … give them a Taj Mahal memento and send them on their way …

    Is this Chairman Naik dude too stunned to take an executive decision ??

  3. If there is any design fault or technical error it becomes HAL's responsibility. But here the thing is toally different. Why should HAL be blamed for pilot error? Vested interests at work. It means money controls Ecuadorian newspapers.

  4. "engines were manufactured in 2007, whereas the choppers were made in 2008" – I didn't know Turbomeca engines were perishable products like tomatoes & brinjals which have to be used close to their date of purchase! Anyone care to explain?

  5. Give them a refund?! No way! Let's give 'em a few Arjun tanks as compensation. Ask them how they want them — gift wrapped or in carry bags.

    And by the way, I would like to add that if indeed the Ecuadorians were pressurised by our govt into buying the ALH, then I'm absolutely thrilled because it simply shows that we Indians have tremendous clout nowadays and we are also using it well! Bharath Maata ki Jai!

  6. I smell something fishy here. Some people don't want to see HAL in other countries. I am 100% sure about sabotage…

    1) This is first major sale of Dhruv and HAL was committed to it. They won the contract against major arms sellers.

    2) HAL not only trained pilot and servicemen but also put a 10 member HAL team in Ecuador. All these are to get a reputation.

    Now it is unbelievable with in days after the sale one of these helicopter crashed with out any reasons.

    International arms selling is a very dirty business, HAL have to learn from US companies.

  7. EL UNIVERSO translation:

    The Air Force commander, Rodrigo Bohorquez, admitted yesterday that there are technical comments to the seven aircraft purchased by the SAF to the company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India, and that the company is demanding compliance with the contract, awarded in 2008.

    "During the review of the new contract is discovered. If it were a large failure and we can not really overcome it would have to repay (the helicopters) and enforce the security, "he said.

    Among the observations made by a technical team from the institution states that the year of manufacture of the engines of French origin, was in 2007 and have a shelf life of 15 years. In addition to problems in the rotor blades.

    According Bohorquez, Accident Investigation Board (IAEA), established to investigate the Indian Dhruv helicopter accident, which occurred last Tuesday at the airport in Quito, hosts must determine whether those comments. "It'sa matter of negotiating. If there is acceptance that the Board will require that we return the engine of 2008, like other components, "he said.

    The Hindustan representative in Ecuador and President of the Company Sumila, Juan Cortez said the engines were manufactured by Turbomeca of France, a year ahead of helicopter construction in 2008, and the authorities of the FAE knew. "If the ruling is from the manufacturer, the company is required to replace equipment at no cost, and if it determines that it is a problem of failure of equipment, would be a responsibility of the Air Force.

    He said that in the world are flying 120 Dhruv helicopters and Tuesday's crash is the third in the history of this fleet.

    The first, in 2005, during a stunt for extreme maneuvers in India. The second, in flight, a problem in one of the tail rotor blades, also in India, but the plane managed to land.

    According to Cortez, now, a total of 250 Dhruv helicopters are traded on the manufacturing process, 130 for the governments of India, Mauritania, Nepal and Israel. However, the website only listed as buyers armed forces of India and Ecuador.

  8. Really, this is nonsense ! without any proof whatsoever, the Equadorian media is blaming the Dhruv. let the investigation board come up with the facts, then they can discuss anything as drastic as returning the helicopters or asking HAL to replace the equipment at no cost..its like the IAF asking BAe to replace the Hawk that crashed soon after it was inducted when nothing is proven against the Hawk itself. I don't think its sabotage, because no pilots would put their lives at such risk. Its only because the Dhruv did not catch fire and because of its crashworthiness design that the pilots even survived, that too with very minor injuries. most helicopter accidents of this kind, the crew is either killed or at least severely injured.


    preliminary investigation has found out that, there is evidence of tampering with the engine DFCU.

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