A team comprising India’s Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and the Center for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC) are booked to arrive in Munich early March for what will be their most crucial visit. In what is giving the people at Eurojet, particularly Managing Director Hartmut Tenter great hopes for their product, is the knowledge that the Indian visitors want to discuss certification of the EJ200 for the Tejas. The team has asked to visit test-beds, manufacturing facilities and development centers during their stay.
Discussions between the Indian government and Eurojet are currently at the Q&A phase — a period post-RFP, where the buyer smoothens out details and calls upon the vendor to explain, clarify or expand anything put forth in their technical bid. A few days ago, Eurojet received a set of 32 such questions from the ADA (Tenter says he is surprised there weren’t more), out of which 26 are associated with engineering aspects, while the remaining six pertain to transfer of technology issues. Eurojet faces formidable competition to power the LCA from the American General Electric F-414-400.
OK, now here’s the juice. According to Tenter and his team, for the Tejas to be able to take in an EJ200 engine, the engine will need “minor” modifications. These include some changing to the mounting assembly, a different hydraulic pump and an additional generator pack for starters. In addition, engine interfaces might need changes depending on how the LCA is configured. All in all, Eurojet believes its tailor-made EJ200 for the LCA can be ready — certification tests and all — in two years flat. Officials at the company point out that one of the biggest downers for their competition is that the F-414-400’s intake interface assembly is markedly larger than the F-404 (and, thus, the LCA) and its selection would therefore imply some very serious modifications to the LCA’s centre fuselage and intake architecture (in addition to the use of a cone director for airflow). Eurojet insists that the EJ200’s installation will require absolutely no airframe and intake changes to the LCA. Both contentions remain unconfirmed at this point.
Even though the LCA new-engine competition and the MMRCA competition are linked for Eurojet (the Eurofighter Typhoon is powered by the EJ200), the company has chosen to keep both campaigns strictly separate.
“When we demonstrated the engine’s performance to a team from HAL and DRDO in November last year, they were amazed that there was no thrust droop in the EJ200. The engine is designed to compensate for thrust droop,” says Tenter, confident that this and a rapid-fire list of other ostensible unique selling points make the Eurojet a frontrunner in the race.
Tomorrow: Part 2: The Typhoon For The Indian Navy
Photo by Shiv Aroor / Laage AFB, Germany
superb. waiting for part 2.
typhoon for indian navy? woweee, please post fasttttttttttt!
Good one Shiv, waiting for the next part.
Sir, did you make any videos during the visit? if so, can you post them somewhere?
This will come with TOT. Like we can make engines at our home ?
Hope for once the Indian decision makers and technocrats think of Indian security aeroengineering needs of the country.
Hopefully they would get away from the Russian rut and the American propaganda to start a new chapter in Indian aviation. No point in putting all the eggs in the Russian basket and what is the use of lamenting when the Americans squeeze out balls through sanctions when their dicktats are not met.
Better to have a second front in case we need assistance during a war that seems to be in the making with the Chink aggressive moves (read somewhere they are thinking of establishing a military base in Pakiland) and the jihadi mindset of our American pet, the TSP.
Pray that this move doesn't get bogged in the arcane moves of baboodom.
Hi Shiv, can you say anything about the engine regarding N-LCA? Could they be used for naval fighters, did the guys on EJ tell you something about it?
marinised engine for Naval LCA in 2 years ?
This MRCA stuff is getting so boring that I feel like going to sleep whenever it comes up. I mean it has been more than a decade, what the hell is the MoD waiting for. Another attack from Chinis and Pakis…
Check out this GE link
The dimensions of the F-404 and F 414 are exactly the same (length & max dia. at least)
Hei Dude,
Do a little homework about the partner nations involved in Eurojet GmbH. The four nations involved in this consortium are UK, Germany, Italy and Spain, not France as reported by you.