The Indian Navy has sounded another warning to the government over critically low submarine force levels. An internal report holds damning testimony to the sorry state of affairs of India’s silent service, and warns in no uncertain terms that if action is not take now, it may soon be too late. Watch
Headlines Today’s special report today at 7.30PM.
hey Shiv,
I hav some querries.
Q1. what abt INS Sindhukirti, it has been lying in Vizag repair yard 4r the past 5 yrs.
Q2. India has paid for 2 Akula's. INS Chakra is coming this summer, what abt the 2nd.
Q3. the 1st line of Scopene will be delayed by 3 yrs, 2 hulls are ready what abt the rest 4
Our enemy has no match with our two modified Akula II class SSNs.The only thing which irritates me is it's armament package & reactor – traditionally all Akula II class submarines were not armed with AshMs & they were powered by only one OK-650B PWR(which is not enough silent) delivering 190 MW to one 7 bladed fixed pitched shrouded propellers.
Is there any info. about armament package offered with INS Chakra? If i am not wrong the reactor of 1st INS Chakra was guarded by russian sailors.So, we only merely guess history cann't be repeat.
India need to place fastrack / govt to govt direct orders for atleast 6 nos submarines .
and may purchase submarines from friendly country ,the sub's near to/in launch stage .
India's position in sub's is much worried , MoD should take immediate steps to fulfill it .
no use of discussing and wasting time at this point of time who ever in the govt both bjp and congress failed to take important desition for securing country moreever congress failed uttery they ruled country for more than 50 years and coiuntry still lags in every aspect
Just say Alll iz well and the problem will be resolved. Our great defeat minister shri Aamir Khan Anthondy will make all well. Now repeat All iz well, all iz well.
When we are going to start designing our own SSK(obviously with help initially)? Having done ATV its high time we start thinking about SSKs. After all, how long can we depend on others for such a crucial requirement.
Frankly,the biggest enemy we face is ourselves.How do we manage to get every major weapon deal embroiled in a bribery scandal.Are we so corrupt a people.Every political party at one time or the other has tried to seek mileage out of some defence scandal.Real or otherwise.Whether that screwed the entire acquisition process no one cared.We must be the only country that set up an entire submarine line(HDW) worth thousands of cores,only to throw the entire thing down the drain,due to a bribe scandal of some tens of crores. Same with the BOFORs,entire TOT,upgrade route down the tube for decades.For what,political mileage and 60 crores of alleged bribes.?WE must have spent more investigating the case.And the loss to the services,incalculable.I wish some one would think about India first.
We should go for outright purchase of 6 to 8 subs even 2nd hand ones