The K-4 surfaces! Well, properly at least. There’s been a sudden rush of reports through this week on the secretive — and largely missed (except for this Times Of India report) — launch of India’s K-4 long range submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). The maiden test launch, from an underwater pontoon launch platform, reportedly took place on March 24 in the Bay of Bengal off the coast of Visakhapatnam.
Friend Vishal Thapar over at The Sunday Guardian has this piece out today on the ‘secretive’ test of the 3,000-km range nuclear capable missile. Two days before that, The Hindu’s trusty T.S Subramanian reported on the successful test that took place a little less than two months earlier. It was, however, network colleague Sandeep Unnithan who conducted this comprehensive outing of the K-4 and its cousins way back in 2010 (infographic seen here from the original piece), providing the first solid details about the K family of weapons.
The DRDO’s decision to conduct the test in secret isn’t surprising, though they weren’t quite so shy in January last year when they flew the K-4’s smaller cousin, the 750-km range K-15 from a similar underground launch platform in the same test range. (In 2010, I’d also scooped this picture of the R-glass composite cannister for the K-15 missile.)
The DRDO doesn’t want to say much yet about the K-4. If they do, it’ll be up here first.
who the f*** is this guy. He needs mental asylum.
All I can say is if CIA has caused crashes of hundreds of Russian fighters so that we would buy from America, then the CIA must be singularly incompetent because in 67-years we have never purchased fighters from the US. The purchase of C-17/C-130 is nothing new; as far back as 1960 IIRRC we bought a considerable number of C-119s from the US.
CIA is only one of 16 acknowledged US intel agencies; I have some familiarity with the Agency, and it does not engage in signals warfare. Others agencies are responsible, but they are military ones and not even neccessarily military intel ones.
RAW/CIA cooperation is decades old, agreed, but the CIA does not control RAW, not by a long shot.
The following comments of mine were deleted by CIA-RAW:-
The opinions and votes of India’s slave population suffering from mass-psychosis (below) do not matter; only nuclear weapons matter — to simultaneously destroy Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. In a letter dated July 27, 1982 to Indira Gandhi as prime minister I referred to an act, by American Jews, that was “the equivalent of an annihilatory nuclear first strike on India”. In her reply dated July 29, 1982 she wrote “Dear Mr. Chandra, I have received your letter dated July 27, 1982 and am passing it on to my Principal Secretary to deal with it. Sincerely, Indira Gandhi”. In December, 1982 I wrote to her “There was sudden, terminal, overwhelming violence against me during a seminar at Harvard University and rather similar occurrences earlier… India can expect sudden, annihilatory violence … with nuclear weapons … against its population … unless it can mount a decisively superior force to stop it”. Following my advice, India’s strategic program, including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme and the Centre for Advanced Technology, was started to give India victory in a nuclear war with the United States and because of my influence on her, Indira Gandhi as prime minister was assassinated by CIA-RAW and later when Rajiv Gandhi realized the truth of what I had written to her after the American invasion of Iraq which was the first Gulf War, he was also assassinated by CIA-RAW. In the past few years, I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace nuclear warheads in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities and India is now in a position to destroy the United States without being destroyed. In fact, India is in a position now to destroy the United States without itself suffering a single casualty by triggering its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation.
This is what I said when asked if India is just a pawn. “Yes, it is a pawn, a slave, a society suffering from mass-psychosis. Despite the recent revelations about M. K. Gandhi being a homosexual who reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man, who engaged in a fake 'freedom struggle" with the British managed by the Intelligence Bureau, the entire Indian government went to his memorial on his death anniversary this January 30, 2012 to pay tribute. India is a very sick society. (I had urged that all his portraits in government offices, etc. be burned). … By saying that India is suffering from mass-psychosis, I am being generous and kind of giving it the excuse of being ill (of the several hats I wear, I am also a mental health professional) but a country of 1.2 billion people being so terrified of much smaller numbers of people from half way around the world cannot really be excused. … ” (see RAWsTraffickingOfIndianChildrenDOTblogspotDOTcom ).
A couple days ago I posted a comment on outlookindiaDOTcom. A couple hours later I found that there were 4 ‘Dislikes’ on my comment and 0 ‘Likes’. A few minutes later, I found that the number of ‘Dislikes’ had been reduced from 4 to 3; the number of ‘Likes’ was still 0. CIA-RAW, which has kept me under 24-hour surveillance with the U.S. National Security Agency satellites for the past 37 years (see below) had done this with microwave signals from satellites; ordinary users can INCREASE the number of ‘Dislikes’ by pressing the ‘Dislike’ button but there is no way they can DECREASE the number of ‘Dislikes’. CIA-RAW routinely controls the number of hit-counts on my blogs, to take another example and can and does put false numbers, usually a small fraction of the actual number, in the hit counters. Note that falsification of vote counts in Electronic Voting Machines does not require the machines to be defective or physically tampered with; it is done electronically via microwave signals from satellites which leave no trace. CIA-RAW can do a lot more than change vote counts with microwave signals from satellites; they can alter the contents of any webpage at will but they can do a lot more than that also; just as microwaves make cell phones do whatever they do, CIA-RAW can use microwave signals from the U.S. National Security Agency satellites to make any digital equipment do whatever it wants; see IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom .
I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : ) about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who serves as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controls the forum, recently locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box — which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft — installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
(Continued below)
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RAW (Continued from above)
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' on blogspot ( )which can be found by doing a Google search with the words: nuclear supremacy India Satish.
Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects — replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose — is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 31 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those — politicians, civil servants and others — who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
What I said below about the vulnerability of India's missiles to microwave signals from satellites also applies to the 3000-km SLBM India has tested:-
(March 28 ‘14) The crash of an Indian Air Force Super Hercules today was caused by the United States with microwave signals from satellites to neutralize what I have written about the sinking of the Indian Navy’s Sindhurakshak submarine and hundreds of fighter aircraft crashes having been caused by the United States with microwave signals from satellites to make India switch from Russian to American equipment. On January 20 ‘14 I wrote: “Regarding the “successful” test of the Agni IV missile today: I have been saying for many years (see IndianAirFircePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that the United States can control the operations of digital circuitry in any equipment, even if it is not connected to the outside world via the Internet, etc., by using microwave signals from satellites. Now others have also started saying that (“NSA can spy on offline computers wirelessly, says security expert”, CBS News, Dec 30 2013). The United States can make India’s missiles crash whenever it wants to. India’s only defence is exploding the nuclear warheads I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace in Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation”.
On August 9, 2008, CIA Director Michael Hayden and K. Subrahmanyam came on line and offered to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agreed to cooperate with them. This was coupled with various kinds of threats and abuse. Several dozen of the most abusive comments were deleted by them before I saved the comments on my computer but the offer to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account is in the comments at 'Offer To Me By CIA Director And K. Subrahmanyam' : HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom .
“CIA” is a convenient umbrella term for the U.S. intelligence agencies. The drone warfare against Pakistan is carried on by the CIA though one would expect a military agency to be responsible. That RAW functions as a branch of the CIA and takes orders from it can be seen from the following: on August 9, 2008, CIA Director Michael Hayden and K. Subrahmanyam came on line and offered to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agreed to cooperate with them. This was coupled with various kinds of threats and abuse. Several dozen of the most abusive comments were deleted by them before I saved the comments on my computer but the offer to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account is in the comments at 'Offer To Me By CIA Director And K. Subrahmanyam' : HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom .
I had posted a comment using the Disqus commenting tool on a story titled ‘Making of the Modi Mythology’ on abpliveDOTin . At 1:33 am Toronto time, someone using the handle “MichaelHayden” (this is the name of the former CIA Director I have referred to in the comment) posted the following response ( ) to my comment:-
“Dear Mr. Satish Chandra,
We continue to be impressed with your abilities, and your analysis of the Indian election results.
Please do understand that we at the CIA, and our sister agency RAW in New Delhi are your friends. We are interested in spreading our shared ideals of free market capitalism and democracy throughout South Asia and the world. USA is a friend of India. We deeply regret your continued hostility towards RAW.
We would still like to use your abilities for our common good, as a external consultant. Of course we will provide adequate consultancy fees ranging from US$ 25,000 up to a maximum of US$ 500,000 per week. Additionally, we will provide travel (first class), luxury hotel accommodation and reimburse your daily expenses at Arlington, VA, New Delhi or other undisclosed foreign locations. We will provide you with a secret alias, passport and diplomat visa arrangements for assignments in other countries or when required. We will also provide you with a CIA trained attractive female operative during foreign assignments.
Awaiting your positive response to our offer.
Michael Hayden
Central Intelligence Agency
Langley, Virginia.”
Clicking on the handle “MichaelHayden” shows that only one comment had been made under this account which was apparently created to post the above response to my comment reproduced below. On August 9, 2008 when CIA Director Michael Hayden and K. Subrahmanyam came on line and posted their comments on an article of mine, my browser was apparently being re-directed so that what they posted could be seen by me but not by the public at large; but the response above seems to have been posted without re-directing my browser to a dummy website.
A couple hours later saw that “MichaelHayden had posted the same response to my comments on six other stories, in IndiaDOTcom and abpliveDOTin .
Dear Mr. Satish Chandra,
This is Michael Hayden yet again. In spite of retiring from the Central Intelligence Agency, I do remain active in covert operations.
My offer to you is valid. Do note that it is very rarely, if ever, that the CIA actively tries to recruit a civilian. Moreover as far as my memory goes, I have yet to see a package as attractive as yours being offered to a civilian.
I sincerely wish that you would accept our offer.
Michael Hayden
Central Intelligence Agency
Indian Passport
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