A deal with Dassault Aviation for 126 Rafale fighters is on course, with India’s Ambassador to France telling journalists he expects to see the deal concluded in three-four months — pretty much in line with what the Indian Air Force projects. Wire agency reports quote Ambassador Rakesh Sood as saying that negotiations between Dassault and the Indian MoD’s contract negotiation committee (CNC) had moved “slower than expected”, but that he was looking at a three-four month timeframe for the deal to be concluded.
does he mean 3 to 4 decades
This is the only good news am hearing nowadays. I hate FDI in Retail. Am living in UK and knew and am seeing first hand How Supermarkets can destroy India.
Why the hell so much time , it will be an year since Rafale being choosen…..:(
Good news!
I feel it is wasteful to buy these fighters as france is notoriously known to sell submarines without engines and upgrade cost would be exorbitant. Mirage upgrade is costing 41 million each which is having still old airframe which has lost more than half of its life cycle and having an old engine with questionable reliability when brand tejas costs almost the same. I still feel go for one more generation ahead and buy about 100 F 35 fighters and with a written deal to develop tejas mark 3 with front canards and dual engines with help from America.Mass produce them so we have quality as well as numbers.Rafale upgrade may cost more than 100 million per plane
I do not know if this means 3-4 decades or not, but if history is to repeat itself, it definitely means not in the next 4 months.
Dear Timbaktoo,
buy and make process for learn indian, how to make a parts and plane so firstly invest money and one day make money and save money..
Thanks for the posts. Great Blog.
I know anonymous, god help India if we get Sainsburys, Tesco, Asda, Aldi, Lidl and a whole lot of more choice. I bet you still do your weekly shop very conveniently at tesco and then wish for Indian consumers to live with shit. The only reason some £&^%heads support kirana shop would be because they didnt ever shop themselves and don't cook anything and have kaamwalees at home.
The lack of choice in India is shocking. Here, shopkeeper asks you what you want and gives it to you from across the counter. Why can't I decide which bloody variety of butter or cheese I want after checking all of them? There might be some new stuff I don't know about which I'll never get to see from across that fat shopkeeper! FDI should only be limited in defence and stuff, not opening bloody shops!
It is buyers market. India must use the current EU slow down to get the best price.The europeans are good at corrupting our babus and brass but then Antony is a great hope.
once we introduce this fighters into our forces ,other countries will be inducting 6th generation fighters into there arsenal
Is it true that 197 light helicopters competition was cancelled and the whole procedure will be restarted? Thanks in an advance for the reply.
To Timbaktoo :
Switching to the problem-plagued and all-but-scrapped F-35 programme certainly isn't a cheaper solution nor one that would yield more TOT (transfer of technology) benefits, sorry!
Here in Canada, an more than obvious vassal state of the US, we're stuck with that F-35 procurement programme and let me tell you, the more we learn (or must dig out) about the ever-increqsing costs and likely very poor local economic snin-offs of it (not to mention the constantly delayed delivery timeframe), the more most Canadians left and right want to scrap the g****m programme!
Great news! I want I see Rafale in ASAP in IAF, hopefully with in 2 years.
I think the babus are paying attention to the progress being made by china. First the aircraft carrier and then J31. Either the babus took notice or someone in the top brass is pulling on their dhoti to expedite the Rafale induction.
To Timbaktoo :
Switching to the problem-plagued and all-but-scrapped JSF (F-35) program certainly isn't a cheaper solution nor one that would yield more TOT (transfer of technology) benefits, sorry! The USA control those airplanes so much that you'd need Washington's OK just to turn the plane on!
Here in Canada, a more than obvious vassal state of the US, we're stuck with that F-35 procurement programme. Let me tell you, the more we learn (or must dig out) about the ever-increasing costs and likely very poor local economic spin-offs of it (not to mention the constantly delayed delivery timeframe), the more Canadians left and right want to scrap the damn program!
When they hesitate another 3-4month the firs rafale wont have real IOC in 2016 and that will be a huge problem for India, all of the Mig21s will be phased out till 2016, and a lot of Mig27 too.
Ben: Has Canada any other real choice?
The Ice is melting…
To alma,
We do have other options if we forget the stealthiness for a certain time, i.e. "4th and a half" generation F/A-18 SuperHornets or upgraded F-16s (Canada, of course, has to buy american planes).
Anyways, stealth-wise, according to US engineer Pierre Sprey* (who designed the A-19 and the F-16), that so-called stealthiness of the F35 only works when the plane directly faces an ennemy, and the Chinese hacked the JSF program's computer network so much I wonder if those poorly maneuverable airplanes still have that tactical advantage anymore.
* http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1DEFC2CD09899918
Erratum: I meant the A-10, not A-19, in my previous comment, apologies.
India must purchase these aircraft but must spend much money on invensation so that india can become selfdepend & result will not waste money from purchase creat job 4 invention in india
Dec is just around the corner and the LCA induction into the IAF is no where close. Its still a long time away from FOC. In this blog only, we had a lively discussion post Dr Sarsawat's claim that LCA would be inducted into the IAF by the year end. When I said it was realistically not possible, I was called ignorant/unpatriotic and other such names. Now would somebody ask Sarsawat and his fan group- why he made tall claims which were unachievable to begin with. Also, whhat would my patriotic friends say now.
Folks ,
1. Mig 21 is to be phased out.
2. Mig 27 is to be phased out
3. Mirage 2k is no longer in production .
4. Mig 29 is always suspect in terms of reliability.
5. Choppers Alloute & Cheetah are prehistoric
6. Tejas is like Kejriwal – pure windbag .
7. Jaguars engine cant pull the plane.
8. Harriers are ok. ta ta
9. Rafale is to be or not to be.
10. Su 30 MK1 are too few and have an identity crisis – Merely perform Rakhee Sawant type item numbers.
11. IJT has gone phut.
12. LCH will come in 2014, 2015,2016,2018 ?????????????
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