PHOTOS: More From Exercise Indradhanush

13 thoughts on “PHOTOS: More From Exercise Indradhanush”

  1. @Varun- Of course Mirage is a great historic jet in the IAF but our standards are not so low that we`ll buy those old planes and that too from Taiwan.We dont need it now.

    BTW SU-30 rocks both in looks and performance.

  2. Hi Shiv!

    Nice pics but enough of photo journalism (not to demean your shooting skills though). However, it would indeed be very nice of you if you could use this period of lean defense news to give us an expose on the joint BARC-DRDO-ISRO projects: KALI and DURGA, initiated in 1985. Not many of us are even aware of these projects. We would like to know what is the current status and the estimated time lines for the same.

    KALI = Kilo Ampere Linear Injector/kinetic attack loitering interceptor

    DURGA = Directionally unrestricted ray-gun array

  3. Shiv, totally missed the "HAL's Indian Helicopter Programmes Overview". Could you please re post it again. thanks.

  4. Thanks for the link Shiv, got it. Hope to see a write up about the BEML Zuzana 155/52 gun from you in the near future.

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