PHOTOS: Indian C-130Js Under Build At Lockheed’s Marietta Hercules Factory

Photos Courtesy Lockheed-Martin

6 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Indian C-130Js Under Build At Lockheed’s Marietta Hercules Factory”

  1. outstanding! they are well on their way to completion! thanks shiv for posting these. stil cannot believe i am seeing the indian hercs!! times have definitely changed!

  2. Notice the work order card pasted to the aircraft body in pic 3 says:
    Customer: United States Government
    Operator: Indian Air Force

    the impression is that the IAF is leasing these planes. I thought they were an outright purchase

    Are there any restrictions on the usage of these planes. Is it like renting a car?

  3. @anon: not a lease, this is a sale. Under US FMS (foreign military sales) rules, it is the US government which is actually procuring the aircraft for onward sale to a customer of its choice, as opposed to a commercial bid under which india would deal directly with the company (after that company is of course cleared for export contact with india). The US prefers to do EVERYTHING under FMS. they loathe competition, and are terrified of the europeans.

  4. You buy the plane yet you don't own them !!! brilliant and have to get them physically inspected every year. Way to humiliate.

  5. Sudip Das (

    C-130J for interoperability of Indian and US special forces .

    Where on earth will the Indian and US special forces operate jointly .

    The US forces come for joint exercises and after each exercise sell some military hardware . The joint exercises are becoming sales platform for US Defense industries .

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