Photos from Exercise Brazen Chariots

6 thoughts on “Photos from Exercise Brazen Chariots”

  1. Mindblowing pics…thanks a lot for posting them. Can you educate me about the equipments in the pictures, like…
    1. Are those cluster bombs being dropped by Mig 27s?
    2.Are the tanks T-72 ‘Ajeya’ or the T-90 ‘bhishma’?
    3.What is that rocket launcher system, is it the pinaka?

  2. why do we have to show the use of those equipments to other, who are very well aware of those as they manufactured them ?

    If India displays the use of some equipment which is designed and manufactured here then there is a meaning of showing the exercise to foreigners…

  3. Shiv, there was a video on Times Now about the exercise. One of the foreign officers interviewed replied in flawless Hindi. Any idea where he was from?

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