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EXCLUSIVE: BrahMos Corp To Be DRDO’s Export Arm, Begins With Akash SAM

EXCLUSIVE: BrahMos Corp To Be DRDO’s Export Arm, Begins With Akash SAM

Mar 7, 2017

In the works for months, a crucial recommendation made by a committee over a decade ago to boost the fortunes of India’s Defence Research & […]

BOOK EXCERPT: When Indian Soldiers Were Hunted In Sierra Leone

BOOK EXCERPT: When Indian Soldiers Were Hunted In Sierra Leone

Mar 6, 2017

6.15 a.m., 15 July 2000, Kailahun, Sierra Leone, West Africa. A loud explosion shattered the early morning silence in this remote and backward eastern corner […]

EXCLUSIVE: Israel Failed, India Scouts New Partner To Unman Chetak Copter

EXCLUSIVE: Israel Failed, India Scouts New Partner To Unman Chetak Copter

Feb 24, 2017

  India has decided to reload efforts to spin off an unmanned version of its in-service Chetak/Alouette III light utility helicopter, a platform in service […]

EXCLUSIVE: As India-Japan Deal Drifts, HAL Amphibian Aircraft Plan Surfaces

EXCLUSIVE: As India-Japan Deal Drifts, HAL Amphibian Aircraft Plan Surfaces

Feb 23, 2017

UPDATED ON 15 MARCH. SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATES. An India-Japan deal for ShinMaywa US-2 amphibious aircraft remains elusive and has slipped down the ladder in a […]

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