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JF-17s At Last

JF-17s At Last

Mar 25, 2007

Two JF-17 Thunders flew on Pakistan Day on March 23 in Islamabad. The two fighters were flown in from Chengdu on March 12 for further test and evaluation flights. Of course, President Musharraf had to stick it to everyone and…

Astra BVRAAM Tests Continue

Astra BVRAAM Tests Continue

Mar 24, 2007

The Astra beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) will go through its a series of tests on March 26 and March 27 at Complex II of the Integrated Test Range off Orissa’s coast. This is great news. News about the…

The Sun Sets on the IAF’s Rakshak

The Sun Sets on the IAF’s Rakshak

Mar 22, 2007

I was looking up some old stuff the other day and came upon the rare Sept-Oct 1984 edition of Air University Review journal. A particular piece about the IAF’s then impending modernisation struck me. I quote from the article by…

Farewell MiG-23MF of Warlords!

Farewell MiG-23MF of Warlords!

Mar 19, 2007

Just got this press release from the IAF. Reproducing it as is:Having soared the Indian skies for nearly 24 years and logging nearly 32,581 flying hours, 224 Squadron of the IAF, christened the ‘Warlords’ will on March 20, end their…

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