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Navy’s Far East Deployment

Navy’s Far East Deployment

Mar 30, 2007

Just got this press release from the Navy:Ships of the Eastern Fleet, under the command of theFlag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet, Rear Admiral RK Dhowan, are presently on an ‘Overseas Deployment’(OSD) to the South-east and East-Asian regions. Thegroup consists of…

Losing the island, again

Losing the island, again

Mar 27, 2007

I’ve always been a little suspicious about the ostensible big-brother attitude that New Delhi always just stops short of espousing in the subcontinent. Sometimes, we’re “prisoners of democracy”, but most of the time, it’s just straight-backed political weakheadedness. Yesterday, the…


A Pantheon of Holy Cows

Mar 27, 2007

A brilliant column by Harish Khare in The Hindu (quite certainly one of the most sober, eloquent and insightful columnists in the country today) is a must read. It’s a reflection on the World Cup disaster and why an emotion-crazed…


What else Pak is getting from Washington

Mar 25, 2007

Thought it was a good time to do an update on all the military booty that Pakistan is getting from Uncle Sam. Here’s the full list of equipment either on order or in the pipeline or requested for by Pakistan…

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