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LiveFist EXCLUSIVE: Admiral Arun Prakash on What Platforms The Future Indian Navy Needs

LiveFist EXCLUSIVE: Admiral Arun Prakash on What Platforms The Future Indian Navy Needs

Apr 22, 2007

Admiral Arun Prakash: Navies have, for centuries, been accepted and used as instruments of diplomacy and state policy. Therefore, unlike the other Services, they derive their raison d’etre not merely from a nation’s maritime security, but from its larger economic…

LiveFist EXCLUSIVE (Part 2): Admiral Arun Prakash On The New Indo-US Strategic Partnership

LiveFist EXCLUSIVE (Part 2): Admiral Arun Prakash On The New Indo-US Strategic Partnership

Apr 21, 2007

LiveFist: The Navy was at the forefront of the new strategic Indo-US complexion with exercises and exchanges at the topmost levels. How did you personally see this evolving equation, and what are the risks India needs to keep in mind…

LiveFist EXCLUSIVE: Admiral Arun Prakash on the China Threat

LiveFist EXCLUSIVE: Admiral Arun Prakash on the China Threat

Apr 20, 2007

In an ongoing interview with former Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral Arun Prakash, LiveFist brings you the views of one of the most articulate and admired military chiefs of our time. What follows is Part One in a series…

The Army’s Pay Commission Demands!

The Army’s Pay Commission Demands!

Apr 19, 2007

The slide to the right is from the 82-slide presentation made by Army General J.J. Singh to the Defence Ministry today (click to enlarge). The slide shows what the Army demands from the Sixth Pay Commission, one of the most…

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