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The IJT Mishap: Eyewitness Account

The IJT Mishap: Eyewitness Account

May 19, 2007

What follows is an eye-witness account of the IJT accident at Aero India 2007 that we’ve discussed here before. This is an account by Aditya Chauhan in the IAF’s Flight Safety journal of this month. Chauhan is a CPL holder…


Update: Trishul

May 17, 2007

Here’s what Defence Minister AK Antony said in Parliament today about the Trishul SAM:Trishul missile system is not a failure. Technically it has met the performance objectives as per original Qualitative Requirements (QRs) though delayed. The main reason for this…


Coming soon on LiveFist: The ATV Unbound

May 16, 2007

Coming soon, an exclusive three-part LiveFist series on the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV), India’s nuclear submarine programme, with confidential inputs from a former Navy Commodore and Captain who worked on the programme in the mid-1990s. The What, Where, How and…

Arjun’s Demons To Rest?

Arjun’s Demons To Rest?

May 16, 2007

Contrary to what reports in the newspapers and television have reflected, the Arjun MBT programme has actually found a voice of unlikely support in the 14th and 15th Reports of the Standing Committee on Defence. And I say unlikely, because,…

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