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My MiG-35 Flight – Thursday Evening on Headlines Today

Aug 29, 2007

My half-hour special on the flight I took in a MiG-35 at Zhukovsky, and coverage of some of the other aviation events at the show will be on Headlines Today on Thursday (August 30) at 8.00PM . I will write…


MoD Announces Release of MRCA RfP (Rs 42,000 crore!!)

Aug 28, 2007

The Request for Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) at an estimated cost of Rs. 42, 000 crores for the Indian Air Force  was issued today to six vendors – Russia’s MIG-35(RAC MiG); Swedish…


MRCA RfP Issued!

Aug 28, 2007

The Request for Proposal for the Multirole Combat Aircraft (MRCA) tender has finally been issued today. More later.

Flight in the MiG-35!!!

Flight in the MiG-35!!!

Aug 21, 2007

Monday was a big day. I took a sortie in a MiG-35 fighter from Zhukovskiy air base outside Moscow a day before the MAKS 2007 air show began. Short of time, so this is just a note. I’ve received all…

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