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What’s in the C-130Js we’re getting?

What’s in the C-130Js we’re getting?

Nov 7, 2007

Sorry to bore you all with another post on the C-130J! Word just in that the final FMS contract for six C-130J Super Hercules aircraft (to be signed very shortly) will carry the full configuration that India initially demanded, a…

Secrets of the Super Hercules

Secrets of the Super Hercules

Nov 5, 2007

A nice piece about the C-130J from the Lexington Institute. Thought I’d post it here since the exhorbitant deal for six C-130Js will soon be signed with Washington:By LOREN B. THOMPSON ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 9 (UPI) — By the time…

Hawk Down

Hawk Down

Nov 3, 2007

The first two of 24 British-built Hawk advanced jet trainers will fly into air force station Bidar later this month (the remaining 42 will be built by HAL). The ludicrously overdue procurement, signed after 19 years, in March 2004 is…

LCA Weaponisation? Duh!

LCA Weaponisation? Duh!

Oct 27, 2007

It just occured to me that the Ministry of Defence may be going slightly overboard with publicity for its defence development programmes. It took me only a second to copy and paste the day before’s press release on the LCA…

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