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Supercruising F-16? Uh, No!

Supercruising F-16? Uh, No!

Jan 20, 2008

A few words from a “carried away” F-16 test pilot at Fort Worth to the media team from India, and we had our papers splashing reports of how the Fighting Falcon offered to India would be able to supercruise! A…

The F-35 for India?

The F-35 for India?

Jan 18, 2008

Hey everyone. I’ll be doing some special reports on the C-130J, F-35 and F-16 as soon as I’m back to India on Headlines Today, and will post the schedule here for anyone who cares to tune in. But for now,…

DRDO Looks Abroad To Mature ABM System

DRDO Looks Abroad To Mature ABM System

Jan 17, 2008

DRDO’s Dr VK Saraswat has held a few rounds of preliminary discussions with officials from Lockheed-Martin about rapidly bringing the indigenous anti-ballistic missile system to maturity. Funny how he forgot to mention this at the chest-thumping press conferences he’s been…



Jan 16, 2008

I think I became the first Indian journalist to see and touch an F-35 Lightning II. Yesterday at Fort Worth, TX. I'm away and haven't been able to blog, so apologies for the limbo. Back soon.

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