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DRDO external audit almost done

Feb 3, 2008

The P Rama Rao committee mandated last year with conducting an exhaustive external audit — the first of its kind — of DRDO has almost completed its deliberations, according to The Hindu. I scooped the story about the orders setting…

Herc deal for Lockheed, P-8 to Boeing?

Herc deal for Lockheed, P-8 to Boeing?

Jan 30, 2008

As Lockheed-Martin pops open the champagne to celebrate the Super Hercules deal — believe me, there were last minute hiccups which were roadrolled — all indications are that Boeing will land the long-suffering maritime reconnaisance and anti-submarine warfare (MR-ASW) aircraft…


Not the first!

Jan 29, 2008

Just received two rejoinders to my blog post trumpeting the fact that I was the first one to touch see and touch the F-35 Lightning II. Received an SMS from NDTV's Vishnu Som and an e-mail from Unnikrishnan S of…

The Hindu: Nag by year-end

The Hindu: Nag by year-end

Jan 28, 2008

Story in The Hindu today:The advanced, third generation, hit-to-kill anti-tank Nag missile is expected to be inducted into the Army by the year-end after the completion of the user trials.”We are ready to induct in large numbers by November-December as…

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