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Aero India Agony Continues: Major Exhibitors Warn Of Clash With Abu Dhabi Show

Aero India Agony Continues: Major Exhibitors Warn Of Clash With Abu Dhabi Show

Sep 26, 2018

There’s more potential agony ahead for India’s flagship aviation show, AERO INDIA 2019. After navigating out of an earlier proposal to hold the show months in advance in November this year in Lucknow, the government had to play safe and…

India Just Conducted The 1st Test Of A Shoulder Launched Anti-Tank Missile

India Just Conducted The 1st Test Of A Shoulder Launched Anti-Tank Missile

Sep 16, 2018

An Indian weapons development team from the Defence R&D Organisation has conducted the first ever test-firing of a man-portable shoulder launched anti-tank guided missileĀ  (MPATGM) system, reports say. Livefist can confirm the test took place last eveningĀ at the KK ranges…

Indian Air Force Launches 10-Point Defence Of Rafale Deal

Indian Air Force Launches 10-Point Defence Of Rafale Deal

Sep 12, 2018

Days after the Indian Air Force leadership went on the record to declare India’s 2016 Rafale deal a far better arrangement than the one under negotiation by a previous government — the heart of a political storm gripping the election-bound…

Looking At 12 Squadrons Of LCA Tejas Mk.2, IAF Chief Confirms

Looking At 12 Squadrons Of LCA Tejas Mk.2, IAF Chief Confirms

Sep 12, 2018

With a deal for 36 Rafales for her service at the heart of a political storm, the Indian Air Force chief was prepared for a barrage of questions that have lately seen his senior leadership at the frontlines of defending…

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