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Must Upgrade 811 ‘Nightblind’ BMPs To Handle ‘Belligerent Neighbours’, Says Army

Must Upgrade 811 ‘Nightblind’ BMPs To Handle ‘Belligerent Neighbours’, Says Army

Sep 7, 2020

Chinese hostilities in eastern Ladakh appear to have compelled — and coloured — the Indian Army’s latest effort to upgrade the firepower on over 800 BMP-2/2K infantry combat vehicles. In a formal request for information (RFI) scouting armament packages from…

The Lowdown On India’s 1st Successful Hypersonic Air Vehicle Test

The Lowdown On India’s 1st Successful Hypersonic Air Vehicle Test

Sep 7, 2020

A little over a year after India’s first test of a hypersonic air vehicle didn’t quite go as planned, a second test conducted this morning has been officially declared to be a major success, with the hypersonic vehicle separating successfully…

Indian Army Set To Abort UAE Battle Carbine Deal?

Indian Army Set To Abort UAE Battle Carbine Deal?

Sep 5, 2020

This post has been updated on Sept 21 with the latest updates from the firm in question. The post follows chronology of developments, with the latest last. Is the Indian Army rethinking plans to procure 93,895 battle carbines from the…

India’s Light Utility Helicopter In Ladakh For FINAL Trials

India’s Light Utility Helicopter In Ladakh For FINAL Trials

Aug 27, 2020

An LUH on its current final trials in Ladakh It’s the final stretch before an indigenous light helicopter will be ready to replace hundreds of legacy Cheetah and Chetak helicopters in military service. Two HAL Light…

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