To be very honest, I don’t know what to believe anymore. The conflicting information emerging from the establishment means everything cancels everything else out, leaving you with kibbles. The most reasonable, credible-sounding ones had pointed to a decision before Republic Day (Jan 26), or at the very least by the end of this month. There’s one week left this month. Can a delayed decision be compartmentalized from other government activity (elections, Parliament, etc)? Why is it so unbelievable that the lowest bidder won’t be announced in January? What’s the hold-up? Hopefully the answers to those questions will emerge this week. I’ll do my best to tell you more. Stay tuned.
A fraction of the grey cells being expended on the knowing the MMRCA decision by journalists, analysts and fanboys (like me) alike would have been enough to halt the global economic slowdown!!!
And on a somewhat naive note, it was on an idle Wednesday in late April of last year that the news of the MMRCA shortlist came up. Don't know what that means!!
Why worry when this will get announced? It will get done some day before the financial year.
My sources tell me that the decision will be announced on Friday.
Now it seems to me that they are going to scrap MMRCA deal in favor of F-35.
Is that a reason of Indian Rupees price is increasing?
Easy, buy both ! 63 rafale and 63 eurofighter. they are complement to each other, rafale is multirole until nuke strike, electronic war, bomber,air superiority,anti ship,naval version
eurfoighter is an good interceptor high altitud but bad multri role.
Well after watching a lot of shameless things i have no doubt that this upa goverment is the worst( AAJ TAK KI SABSE GHATIYA SARKAR HAI). And if anybody say anything wrong about upa, they will say you are a agent of bjp or Rss. I wont be surprise to see in future that even if a bird do ***t on upa posters they will again going to that the bird has been sent by bjp or rss.
Well, It is Jan 24th and still no news of MMRCA winner, despite numerous reports it would be this day the winner was announced. It is getting beyond a joke now, where are all these conflicting reports coming from??!!
No doubt you will do an in-depth piece on the winner and offsets?
If there is immediate war then we have to field the Kiran,Hawk trainers, An-32 against the mighty F-16,Jf-17,J-20.
We should be faithful to the process that IAF has been following with such precision. It’s very easy to blame the Govt. and bureaucracy but I am sure that they are working pretty hard to close this huge deal which whole Europe is watching very keenly.
i think mmrca result will affect up elections!:-P:-D
"eurfoighter is an good interceptor high altitud but bad multri role. "
What means "bad multri role" in a tranche3+ typhoon?
It cant use Litening3? taurus kepd? brimstone? HOPE/HOSBO? JDM? Storm Shadow? …
Shiv: If the MOD or AIF comes out and says end of the month, I will again interpret that statement as not prior to Jan 31. But, so far they seems to be quiet so that may be good (but only until they announce a new date).
To me this deal didnot make sense as the fighters that offered the best bang for the buck were eliminated. The way I looked at this was that any one of the 6 would be more than adaquate to replace the ones that are to be phased-out. Also, our neighbours still operate out-dated equipment and thus this MMRCA should have been offered to the fighter that offers the best value. To me from the value point of view, the four that were dropped were the best option. What we gain from the top two is not worth the additional price tag. We could have increase our order by another 20-50% percent if we stuck with the other four. After-all, there is a superiority in numbers as well.
Indian Govt Message for people waiting for mmrca decision
"U MAD?" Troll Face
Shiv, Please please stop posting about MMRCA. Its never ending process, F****** defence procurement process of our great country.
finally porkies have managed to find this site and are flooding the site as anonymous writers. How pathetic can you get guys? As far as MMRCA is concerned, am sure it is going to be on 26th Jan.
Wait forever and save our precious money. Everyday we delay this scam of MMRCA, we delay wasting $20-30 Billion on outdated technology.
India has enough weapons to defend against threats for next 10-12 years
I think the Govt has realised the folly of rejecting the low cost fighters. So they are buried in shame how to anniunce this. The country is going to pay thro its nose. Imagine making A BMW 5 Series the preferred car.
Scrap this mmrca. Why this kolaveri di?
They are already too late, but everyone has to bear with them.
Most likely, the decision is delayed on negotiation on who can pay the biggest kickbacks.
This congress govt is so corrupted, do anyone of you think there won't be any kickbacks or commissions in this multi billion contract. Probably, I can believe a crow becomes white. But I cannot believe this Congress Govt didn't (or doesn't) take kickbacks on purchase of these fighter planes.
Congress needs money. Election will be coming in 1-2 years in India. I heard some sources that already money from 2G scam is diverted to influence voters in state elections.
Congress has screwed up India than Britishers did. It has divided India in all possible ways – whether it is religion politics or state politics or caste politics or tribal politics.
Now reservation to Muslims. Look at the Jaipur Literature Festival. It used to be one of the best in Asia, if not best in the World. Just because of Muslim votes, Congress screwed up the whole festival. No wonder Muslims are considered as "Guinea Pigs" by Congress just for votes. When the Muslims understand this fact, not only Muslim community will prosper but also India will become a secular true leader.
Sadly, almost all the English Media, NDTV being the first, are only helping Congress. One lady "owl" from a TV company is a worm in shit. feel like spiting on her face. But I do not want to waste my spit, which is more valuable than this lady. These media talk secularism only if it benefits
Congress party or Gandhi family. Where is their secularism when Rushdie was refused entry to India?
And our great Defense Minister. He thinks using his d*&^. Recently he said, "I feel sad and sorry" regarding our Army chief's age. What a moron he is! He writes and thinks with his d*&^.
And finally our PM (so called great, doctorate, economist, secularist etc). He is a "nanga king." A total waste. Another worm in shit of Gandhis. Probably a worm in a shit is better than our PM.
Shiv, It is up to you to publish my comments. But I feel saddened by our government. India's young generation depends on sincere truthful journos. I am sure you know two gentlemen Mr. Woodward and Mr. Bernstein. Mr. Woodward was 29 (probably your age) when he involved in Watergate investigation.
Jai Hind!
Coming soon http://www.asianage.com/india/ccs-meets-army-chief-dob-780
At @ AMallu
I have to say that I agre with u word to word. Also thank shiv for posting his comments.
Rafale will get a backdoor entry (about 100, 20 2 seaters trainers/EWA 80 single seaters) or so EF 150 (26 2 seaters and rest single seaters interceptors) thats it sounds good option that way we will have more planes inducted in less time
All you military people are fools. Don't you know that your govt. will shaft you once again! They are not going to declare the winner anytime soon, and then some. In fact, they may even cancel the the whole deal and whole procurement process. Indians should stop joining the military anymore. If there wasn't so much poverty, that may well have happened.
in lybia, 10 eurofighter do only 91 strike single bombing 2xgbu vs 12 tornado do 455 strikes bombing.
Ef2000 can't do cas and can t do sead instead of rafale. UK do only 12% strike but claim 15%, France do 35% air strike,statistic come from nato. ef2000 show its mediocrity as multirole. All is clear.
When the announcement is made, it will simply say that the decision is pending. You people are unnecessarily holding your breath. India is being ruled by the devil and that's not going to change any time soon. I hope I'm wrong, but I've learned not to expect anything good from our damned govt. I hope Gen V K Singh screws them over!
The Indian Military always makes good decisions even if they are slow. Its DRDO that sucks with the Delay of TEJAS schedule.
I remember how quicky the S-300 system was purchased or the SMERCH MLRS. No waiting. I also was impressed with the 660M$ Mirage deal . great pricing.
I guess a 20B$ order can wait till all parties give us a good deal.
@anonymous 11:02 AM and all ur brothers here: Yes, as if poverty is not there in the india's western neighbourhood. As if the western neighbour of India is an economic powerhouse!! HAHAHAHA..
Check your economy and pls enlighten us as to who is richer, who has got more foreign exchange reserves, poor India or the country that is being bombed on a daily basis by its citizens only (suicide bombers) or the Americans (drones). What separates India from the illiterate, medieval cave dwellers cum suicide bombers of Pakistan is that we don't spread terror across the world, poor is your country, that is dependent on alms from other countries to feed it citizens..Get a life..! Feel really sad that your country can't even have dedicated bog pages of ur own that u have to come here and spread ur ill informed vitriole.. in the words of a great former general of the indian army in 1971 (remember that year?).. your country will drown in the flood if all indian soldiers just stand in a line from kashmir to gujarat and just pee…
Take care! 🙂
True Indian Tax Payer
Given the fact that Eurofighter will be heavily dependent on American air-to-air missiles (Since Meteor missile is still under development) I am wondering if Typhoon is the right choice after all. As these research reports point out (http://www.ausairpower.net/flanker.html) Typhoon's standard fitment of American Amraam/Asraam are inferior to Russian Ramjet-powered BVR missiles. Also, Eurofighter is facing production constraints at home and so the Indian order may get delayed by years if not decades !!!
maybe the upgrade of india mig29..shows that …mmrca will be cancel? just my 2cents
Happy Republic Day to you Shiv and to all the readers of your blog! May we get to hear of the MMRCA outcome soon…
I think eurofighter is best choice, its also the lowest bidder.
Here's a little message to our "Dear General": –
VK, you must ride a number of t-90 tanks into 10 janpat and take over control of the government and put up your party – VK Singh Sainik Party (VSSP), we'll vote for you.
then we can by f-22, f-35, gripen, eurofighter, rafale, northrop b-2 and comanche attack chopper to take out oppositions MPs.
P.S. – if you please, give me the MP ticket for Vijayawada Constituency (Andhra Pradesh) as the VSSP candidate.
public on mmrca—
may be this week?
or may be the next week?
or may be next month….
might be in few months….
(time skip– after few months)
may be this week?
or may be the next week?
or may be next month….
might be in few months….
(time skip– after few months)
may be this week?
or may be the next week?
or may be next month….
might be in few months….
Based on the offer than Dassault made to the Swiss in answer to the Saab Gripen deal, the price for 126 Rafale for the MMRCA would work out to be approximately $21 Billion!!!
If EADS offers complete transfer of tech, eurofighter is best choice. i think after this expierience, we could reverse-engineer some tech of the tranche-3to use in future Mark-III LCA Tejas
besides, EADS has offered to make India a "complete partner" in the eurofighter consortium, perhaps we can get a lot of side-benefirs if we but ef-2000. what do you say?
Rumor says that the MMRCA winner will, probably/maybe/whatever, be announced in the third quarter of 2014, or not long thereafter…. Sounds ridiqulous but who knows, it might be more accurate than many earlier predictions. By the way this rumor comes from my horse race bookie…