I believe the next Air chief will have the luxury to announce the winner. Infact Air Vice Marshal NAK Browne was the architect of this MMRCA bid and its technical parameters. Can't wait for the day of announcement of L1.
Obviously its the typhoon the french have got the mirage upgrade , the germans are also maintainig the lead with their withdrawl of the travel advisory for j& k
india should buy the JF-17 Block-2 IMO… it's far superior to typhoon/rafale, combat proven and cheaper. India can buy 750 JF-17s with $15bil, and knock down kits can be transported by road from Kamra. What a silly decision to go to Europe
Patience is a virtue. And just the patience shown by the MoD along with simultaneously expediting the review processes with great speed and agility will eventually benefit our own A.Force! . Just an after thought, incase it turns out to be the typhoon (Which i'm sure would indeed be) Remember, it would be from the Taxpayers pocket and that Pocket would end up having a HUGE HOLE where you'd be able to stick your finger right through it. . Good Wishes for the deal and *bollywood style* – More power to you IAF
Typhoon AESA Radar is not ready till 2015. BAe is known to ditch india .Take HAWK trainer case!!! so it could be Rafale…..but i heard Typhoon is cheaper…So we will go for typhoon get screwed by BAe and entire EU….
Surely, this has to be Rafale… The Consortium will be harder to deal with?…besides the French are great at after sales support non (if a little expensive?)
However German tech >> French (when it comes to the automotive world anyway).
Would you guys choose BMW/Mercedes over a Renault/Peugeot?
I am agree with Eurofighter supporter.My feeling is that Typoon will be the winner.To pacify the French Mirage upgradation contract was awarded to French companies.Whatever it is IAF will be the main benefactor.
India is buying from everyone, to ensure political support in future conflicts against China and Pakistan, while pitting would-be supporters against each other to get better conditions and maintain independance. for one thing, military industries have huge pull in every country, especially the US
also notice how India is only buying transports, recon and engines from the US, which the US is unlikely to want/be able to embargo
the US engine for the Tejas and the Mirage upgrade deal sealed the Typhoon as the only possible winner from a political point of view. going for the Rafale would be logical from a logistical perspective, but it would create an overdependance on France (still only a single, second rate power at best), where the Typhoon ensures support from all major EU countries (especially economic power house Germany and special US ally UK)
Rafale is around 30% cheaper , combat proven and more mature (Aesa, Air to ground capacities…everything is ready). And it could help IAF reducing costs by using the same weapons and infrastrusture that the Mirage 2000. so i can't see how India could choose the Typhoon …
Whether Eurofighter or typhoon , there will be complete TOT and assured supply of spares . As far as the comment that India should instead buy JF-17 , MY OPINION is that JF – 17 is a platform without component level innovation . Instead we can wait for the MCA being developed by ADA.
Guys..Its going to be Rafale all the way.The way it outperformed the Typhoon at the RAF Air Tattoo show might have sealed the decision of our boys present there on the stands.Raqfale…a Real Air to Ground fighter with better A2A capabilities than the Typhoon.
I wish its the Rafale, they are as good as the french models or perfumes…. French can be trusted the EU is a gr8 'chamcha' of AMerica and i bet no one can trust uncle Sam….
Final countdown has began and it is a pleasant news for the IAF since all the cumbersome procedure is coming to an end. Let us hope that the Government would select the best aircraft, which, the IAF is willing to have in its inventory. I think that the Eurofighter, Typhoon, which is the brain child of four European nations, would be selected finally.
There is another logic for Rafale that since French are supposed to be minting money by upgrading the Mirage 2000, they may be in a position to afford the competitive price reductions for Rafale.
Mr. Aroor see, itm to me that you are biased towards the Rafale. Even the image you put up here … the two planes are not the same size, rafale is smaller and you show it to be the same size if not a little bigger that the EF.
IT's good that the decision will come soon, but it's a shame that they still cannot nail down a deadline. One would think that now they are so close, they would have said such and such a date/ time, but not, they are still leaving a wiggle room at 5-6 weeks. I think, it will be more than likely a little more than 6 weeks. I am OK if they even take 10 weeks, but for the sake of looking like you know what you are doing, give a real date and time for this announcement, and have media present at the time for questions/ photo op.
Buy Rafale! Dealing with a single country is better than dealing with a multitude of nations that compete against each other. Easy to deal with getting spare parts and consistent support! Also have a strategic relationship with France beyond a buyer-seller relationship.
Lol, anon@6.07 made a very good point: Shiv, the competition is going to be biaised because of your unfair photoshop work! I had a good laugh, thank you!
Rafale is about 85 Millions Euros per A/C. Eurofighter is about 135 Millions Euros.
Rafale is really multirole, as proven in Libya, and has been designed to be. EF is only a bomb truck for the moment, and was designed as an interceptor.
Rafale AESA Radar is entering in production, and has the experience of PESA Radar. EF AESA Radar is only a project for the moment.
And it's easier to deal with one country (France) than with four.
Rafale should obviously win the race.Better manoeverability , better Air to Ground attack capability , proven radar , proven in battle , cheaper than Typhoon , trusted ally in France hence free of US bullying ,And above all Rafale an A2G aircraft has beated the Typhoon a A2A aircraft in almost all engagements they had.
i feel that contract would go to typhoons as seen politically before the f-16 and f-18 was ejected we provided contacts for c-17 to keep them happy, now France would be happy with mirage upgrade contract which would mean that the typhoons.!!!
The only problem is that Typhoon can't beat Rafale on L1, though, they told they acheived the best in increasing flight hours without maintenance from 20 to 80 hours, haha, Rafale's flies 140 hours a mounth from libya capaign day 1 , and they did changed any engines since, 3 times more rafales operationals in libya than spanish italian or brit typhoon, that are to be canibilised to keep thier nucleus number in the sky!
poor eurofreighter , no road map, no clients, no envy, no futur
Specifications wise Typhoon is better then Rafale and hype wise Rafale has more. For our immediate needs and threat the British have some 63 air crafts lying unused due to financial constraints thus 63+18 immediate delivery we should makeup for the short coming in our present number of air crafts remainder 90 can take their own time by when we would be able to improve on our Tejas or AMCA
Even if we buy the Eurofighter, the likely winner of the MMRCA competition, we should go for the F35 Joint Strike Fighter, the only fifth generation multi-role stealth fighter in the world.
There have been several misleading information regarding the high cost of the JSF. Here is a current interesting article/blog post on Forbes.com
Bah. AK Antony's defence ministry is exactly like Manmohan Singh's PMO: Lazy, ignorent and incompetent when it comes to what really matters. They approve purchase of VIP helicopters in a jiffy, but critical purchases like this and the artillery tender drag on one election term after another.
Has anyone read about the recent MiG-21 crash? That brings this year's MiG crash record to 10. The original purpose of this MMRCA tender was to replace those old MiGs our pilots are flying. Now by the time these finally arrive the MiGs will have long retired. If there was any justice Antony's MOD would by pulled up for its death by negligince that it causes every year for our defence personnel.
Let me tell you a couple of things about this business.
-BEML is a loss-making PSU. If not for the fact that they have an exclusive licence for building Tatra trucks for the Indian Army they'd be bankrupt long ago.
-Meanwhile Tatra(the Czekh company) has established its own Indian branch and has been building trucks for the domestic market for many years now. Not surprisingly their products are cheaper than what BEML charges the Indian Army.
Given Tatra has its own Indian branch now there's no logical reason to continue this policy of giving handouts to BEML. Buy Tatra trucks directly from Tatra and privatise BEML as was contemplated many years ago.
Great news Shiv! Cant wait to see who wins the deal though in both cases (Rafale or Typhoon) our air force is th winner
I believe the next Air chief will have the luxury to announce the winner. Infact Air Vice Marshal NAK Browne was the architect of this MMRCA bid and its technical parameters. Can't wait for the day of announcement of L1.
It's typhoon
To dismantle an aircraft takes only 3 weeks. To open paper bids takes 6 weeks. MOD got to be shitting me.
Jane kya hoga rama r! wonder which Jangi Taiyaara Our Fizaya going to select. neway Thakns Shiv Sir
Come on MOD why wait for 5 – 6 weeks COME ON WAKE UP MOD we need it ASAP
it`s rafale
Hey Mr Lungi make decision on
we need the a/c ASAP
Do you like to wack the paki, Do you like to wack the chini, Do u like that?
Obviously its the typhoon the french have got the mirage upgrade , the germans are also maintainig the lead with their withdrawl of the travel advisory for j& k
india should buy the JF-17 Block-2 IMO… it's far superior to typhoon/rafale, combat proven and cheaper. India can buy 750 JF-17s with $15bil, and knock down kits can be transported by road from Kamra. What a silly decision to go to Europe
Patience is a virtue. And just the patience shown by the MoD along with simultaneously expediting the review processes with great speed and agility will eventually benefit our own A.Force!
Just an after thought, incase it turns out to be the typhoon (Which i'm sure would indeed be) Remember, it would be from the Taxpayers pocket and that Pocket would end up having a HUGE HOLE where you'd be able to stick your finger right through it.
Good Wishes for the deal and *bollywood style* – More power to you IAF
My gut feeling Says it's gonna b typhoon.Let's see who gets to eat the indian truffle.:)
& RAFALE wins………
Typhoon AESA Radar is not ready till 2015. BAe is known to ditch india .Take HAWK trainer case!!! so it could be Rafale…..but i heard Typhoon is cheaper…So we will go for typhoon get screwed by BAe and entire EU….
Surely, this has to be Rafale… The Consortium will be harder to deal with?…besides the French are great at after sales support non (if a little expensive?)
However German tech >> French (when it comes to the automotive world anyway).
Would you guys choose BMW/Mercedes over a Renault/Peugeot?
I am agree with Eurofighter supporter.My feeling is that Typoon will be the winner.To pacify the French Mirage upgradation contract was awarded to French companies.Whatever it is IAF will be the main benefactor.
US: C-17, C-130, P-8, Teja engines, Apache? Chinook? prop trainer?
Israel: UAVs
Russia: Su-30, PAK-FA, Mi-28? Mi-26?
France: Mirage 2000+
Europe: AW101, Typhoon?
India is buying from everyone, to ensure political support in future conflicts against China and Pakistan, while pitting would-be supporters against each other to get better conditions and maintain independance. for one thing, military industries have huge pull in every country, especially the US
also notice how India is only buying transports, recon and engines from the US, which the US is unlikely to want/be able to embargo
the US engine for the Tejas and the Mirage upgrade deal sealed the Typhoon as the only possible winner from a political point of view. going for the Rafale would be logical from a logistical perspective, but it would create an overdependance on France (still only a single, second rate power at best), where the Typhoon ensures support from all major EU countries (especially economic power house Germany and special US ally UK)
@Shailendra Good one…..
Rafale is around 30% cheaper , combat proven and more mature (Aesa, Air to ground capacities…everything is ready). And it could help IAF reducing costs by using the same weapons and infrastrusture that the Mirage 2000.
so i can't see how India could choose the Typhoon …
I am dam sure which ever firm bids low will be the mmrca winner, the thing is which is that firm
is it EF Typhoon or dassault rafale ??????
10.6 billion dollar question …….hmm?
I say it will be typhoon bcoz of its total
no.of ac produced,
no.of ac on oder, and
no,of countries it entered service
and possibly future of the ac
But rafale on other hand has some proven techs in afgan libiya, s its a smarter ac too. well matched and also matured in some cases than EF typhoon
but when it comes to india in this case definitely a lowest bider and tat is typhoon bcoz dassault cant afford rafale lower than typhoon
bcoz of its total
no.of ac produced,
no.of ac on oder, and
no.of countries it entered service
and possibly future of the ac
wat do u people out there think abt this……..hmm?
Remember Admiral Arun Prakash: "Rafale ($ 85.5 m) and Typhoon ($124 m)"?
Both Aircrafts are good, but lesser problems can be expected from France. Hope Rafale is cheaper otherwise again the things go in to doldrums.
BMW / MERCEDES any day mate! and therefore EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON
Rafale is a Citroen…
whatever happened to buy 4 and get 1 free!!!!uchita uchita
Whether Eurofighter or typhoon , there will be complete TOT and assured supply of spares . As far as the comment that India should instead buy JF-17 , MY OPINION is that JF – 17 is a platform without component level innovation . Instead we can wait for the MCA being developed by ADA.
Guys..Its going to be Rafale all the way.The way it outperformed the Typhoon at the RAF Air Tattoo show might have sealed the decision of our boys present there on the stands.Raqfale…a Real Air to Ground fighter with better A2A capabilities than the Typhoon.
scrap mmrca and invest the money to develop FGFA/MCA.
this is not a zoo to keep various animals in the shelter
Just compare the cockpit and make your own judgement…
To me.. Rafale all the way…
But number analysis indicates that Typhoon is better match for Bharat. see below.
Bharat = 2 + 8 + 1 + 18 + 1 + 20 = 50 = 5 + 0 = 5
Rafale =18 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 12 + 5 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7
Typhoon = 20 + 25 + 16 + 8 + 15 + 15 + 14 = 113 = 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
I wish its the Rafale, they are as good as the french models or perfumes…. French can be trusted the EU is a gr8 'chamcha' of AMerica and i bet no one can trust uncle Sam….
Final countdown has began and it is a pleasant news for the IAF since all the cumbersome procedure is coming to an end. Let us hope that the Government would select the best aircraft, which, the IAF is willing to have in its inventory. I think that the Eurofighter, Typhoon, which is the brain child of four European nations, would be selected finally.
There is another logic for Rafale that since French are supposed to be minting money by upgrading the Mirage 2000, they may be in a position to afford the competitive price reductions for Rafale.
Welcome Rafale !
Typhoon is eurotrash !
Mr. Aroor see, itm to me that you are biased towards the Rafale. Even the image you put up here … the two planes are not the same size, rafale is smaller and you show it to be the same size if not a little bigger that the EF.
IT's good that the decision will come soon, but it's a shame that they still cannot nail down a deadline. One would think that now they are so close, they would have said such and such a date/ time, but not, they are still leaving a wiggle room at 5-6 weeks. I think, it will be more than likely a little more than 6 weeks. I am OK if they even take 10 weeks, but for the sake of looking like you know what you are doing, give a real date and time for this announcement, and have media present at the time for questions/ photo op.
Buy Rafale! Dealing with a single country is better than dealing with a multitude of nations that compete against each other. Easy to deal with getting spare parts and consistent support! Also have a strategic relationship with France beyond a buyer-seller relationship.
Lol, anon@6.07 made a very good point: Shiv, the competition is going to be biaised because of your unfair photoshop work!
I had a good laugh, thank you!
Rafale for sure !
Rafale is about 85 Millions Euros per A/C.
Eurofighter is about 135 Millions Euros.
Rafale is really multirole, as proven in Libya, and has been designed to be. EF is only a bomb truck for the moment, and was designed as an interceptor.
Rafale AESA Radar is entering in production, and has the experience of PESA Radar. EF AESA Radar is only a project for the moment.
And it's easier to deal with one country (France) than with four.
Shoo!! Anon @ 6.07, Shiv is biased to the Typhoon because the aircraft has been given its full name while the Rafale's manufacturer hasn't been given.
But seriously, get a life-there are far more ways for someone to show his biases than a simple photoshop.
Rafale should obviously win the race.Better manoeverability , better Air to Ground attack capability , proven radar , proven in battle , cheaper than Typhoon , trusted ally in France hence free of US bullying ,And above all Rafale an A2G aircraft has beated the Typhoon a A2A aircraft in almost all engagements they had.
Let us have some news regarding India Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft. How it is progress?. When the 1st flight?.
i feel that contract would go to typhoons as seen politically
before the f-16 and f-18 was ejected we provided contacts for c-17 to keep them happy, now France would be happy with mirage upgrade contract which would mean that the typhoons.!!!
The only problem is that Typhoon can't beat Rafale on L1, though, they told they acheived the best in increasing flight hours without maintenance from 20 to 80 hours, haha, Rafale's flies 140 hours a mounth from libya capaign day 1 , and they did changed any engines since, 3 times more rafales operationals in libya than spanish italian or brit typhoon, that are to be canibilised to keep thier nucleus number in the sky!
poor eurofreighter , no road map, no clients, no envy, no futur
Shiv please tell me is euro fighter consortium is in serious financial trouble
Specifications wise Typhoon is better then Rafale and hype wise Rafale has more. For our immediate needs and threat the British have some 63 air crafts lying unused due to financial constraints thus 63+18 immediate delivery we should makeup for the short coming in our present number of air crafts remainder 90 can take their own time by when we would be able to improve on our Tejas or AMCA
Even if we buy the Eurofighter, the likely winner of the MMRCA competition, we should go for the F35 Joint Strike Fighter, the only fifth generation multi-role stealth fighter in the world.
There have been several misleading information regarding the high cost of the JSF. Here is a current interesting article/blog post on Forbes.com
Very very interesting information. We must build on the strategic relationship with US, world's oldest democracy.
Bah. AK Antony's defence ministry is exactly like Manmohan Singh's PMO: Lazy, ignorent and incompetent when it comes to what really matters. They approve purchase of VIP helicopters in a jiffy, but critical purchases like this and the artillery tender drag on one election term after another.
Has anyone read about the recent MiG-21 crash? That brings this year's MiG crash record to 10. The original purpose of this MMRCA tender was to replace those old MiGs our pilots are flying. Now by the time these finally arrive the MiGs will have long retired. If there was any justice Antony's MOD would by pulled up for its death by negligince that it causes every year for our defence personnel.
Let me tell you a couple of things about this business.
-BEML is a loss-making PSU. If not for the fact that they have an exclusive licence for building Tatra trucks for the Indian Army they'd be bankrupt long ago.
-Meanwhile Tatra(the Czekh company) has established its own Indian branch and has been building trucks for the domestic market for many years now. Not surprisingly their products are cheaper than what BEML charges the Indian Army.
Given Tatra has its own Indian branch now there's no logical reason to continue this policy of giving handouts to BEML. Buy Tatra trucks directly from Tatra and privatise BEML as was contemplated many years ago.