Livefist QUIZ #7 | What is this?

36 thoughts on “Livefist QUIZ #7 | What is this?”

  1. looks very similar to mX-SIGHT handlaunched mini uavs in design. Though the mX is powered by propeller fitted motors, this one looks jet powered, so its probably bigger in size.

  2. I don't see any means of propulsion on it. So I am guessing it is a target drone, that has to be launched by a tow plane. The "Ulka" perhaps ?

  3. A guess:
    Looks like an artists impression of the Rustom (obviosly before its development), or maybe a picture of the first prototype of it.

  4. Wow, nobody got this one.

    This is the wind-tunnel model of the National Aerospace Lab – Light Aircraft (NAL-LA), a twin-seat, push-propeller configured concept for what was to become the HANSA composite trainer. This concept, as is obvious, was scrapped for the more conventional configuration that the Hansa ultimately had.

  5. "Wow, nobody got this one."

    Hmmm… It would have been easier to identify any one of the MMRCA contenders by touching their pictures in pitch dark…. Lol

  6. Shiv:

    Is this how they waste their time and money?

    Build castle in the air?

    Don't have to deliver anything?

    – nanovacuum (US)

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