Livefist QUIZ #3 | Name what’s circled and the aircraft

19 thoughts on “Livefist QUIZ #3 | Name what’s circled and the aircraft”

  1. the aircraft is the HackAvro — and it is the IDAS (integrated defensive aids suite) being tested on it. The two components circled are laser detector & UV detector (missle plume)

  2. This is DARE's Multi-sensor warning system (MSWS) — laser and missile warners — on India's HS-748 hack aircraft.

    Anon@5:48PM, you win.

    Ju2, Band and [email protected] got it too.

    Folks. Post your answers with your name, so you can be identified as something other than anon@!

  3. So if Venkat at 5.48 pm wins, then where's his prize Shiv…if yu have introduced a quiz then there should be prizes also.

  4. This looks like Infrared & System (in developement stage >> for Light Combat Helicopter )


    This might be a inflight IR-tracking system for Missile or related objects within development stage.

  5. This is a missile warning system on a French Air Force A-330.

    These aircraft are used to supply troops in Afghanistan, on Kandhar Airbase.

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