Just heard that HAL’s Light Combat Helicopter flew today. No details, no photos just yet. All I’ve been told is that she flew today — the information is confirmed. Let’s hope some information flows out from HAL. They’re keeping it darn quiet. My source says he knows nothing except that TD-1 flew today in Bangalore, and that the flight went well.
Helicopter PhotoArt ŠShiv Aroor
Shiv, pictures please !!! high quality pictures !! This is excellent news !:D
Sir pls pls pls when will we get to see the pix of this beauty.
Really? thats great news
Ruh Roh…pics please!
pics …or it didn't happen đ
yahooooo yippi please shiv post some flying and stagnent pics of our infant baby LCH
FINALLY…Thank you god….Hope to see some pics soon..
u can c the first pic on pakistani defence blog.
its gr8 news
Wow! Just wondering at what time. The only thing I know is there was lot of activity at HAL today.
TD1? Are you talking about LCA TD1. I though that airframe was dismantled.
11:48 PM Sleepy:)
TD1 is Technology Demonstrator 1, and here it is referred to the LCH.
People get some information to confirm the reports.
Any good information should do.
yeh its true..i'm wworking there only…around 3.30pm …max- 10 m height only….it was a beauty…and sorry plz people dnt ask for fotos…we cannot show it to public..but wat shiv posted is absolutely true…its painted full black..and unni pillai was the pilot đ
Any idea abt Prasun?
Nothing personal … no desire to rain on your parade … but as an Indian … whats so great about the LCH and all the trash that HAL comes out with and not … I dont find today – anything to get excited over.
bravo….it was just yesterday that i was thinking whatever happened to the LCH…great news..expecting pictures
here is the picture guys, happy viewing.
by the way Shiv I need ur point of view on this
This does not look like the TD-1, according to sources the LCH serial number âZP 4601? took to skies today and this serial number is âL3001?. Whos correct dont know.
But I have a question for Shiv Aroor
if the wheel base of LCH is the same as seen in the pic, then I am sorry to say but the helo wont give enjoyable landing especially hard land.
Dont you think there is urgent need to reform the wheel structure at back and front with better shock absorbers as well as reduce heat signatures
Pic! Videos! đ She must be a beauty!
Read this !
Dear Shiv,
Finally, the Good News I have been waiting for all this Months has arrived.
3 cheers, if this is True.
Please Shiv, update us continuously on this hot topic.
If this is true, then in no time we will see the inducted LCH.
All the subsystems are currently being tested on Weaponised Dhruv. So the major emphasis in the testing of LCH will be on reliability, survivability and consistant performance of the Copter.
Lets all pray that this beast should be inducted in Armed forces ASAP.
photos ? links ??.. shiv why weren't u there ????
Was passing through on the old Airport road en route to my office this morning, I normally take the excellent Volvo service and i was sitting on the high deck and whenever I pass through the National Flight Test Center complex my head automatically turns toward the facility hoping to catch a glimpse of an LCA or a Dhruv going through their testing grinds, however I was pleasantly shocked to see the LCH at close quarters and I suppose it was being readied for another test flight. I could see only part of tail rotor and the tail fuselage; it is painted black and looked a stunner. Hoping to hear more news Shiv. Begum chithrangal publish cheyu. Nanni.
Joydeep that was just the mockup..a wooden mockup..its not the real thing.
Mr. Joydeep Ghosh why don't you just keep quiet ? You cannot tell the difference between the wooden mockup and the real thing and suddenly you're an expert designer who knows better than professionals ? Just FYI, there are plenty of rules of design that lay persons like you won't have the slightest clue about. BTW, IIT Mumbai has been working on IR reduction features for the LCH for the past 5 years. There are much smarter people than you working on it so please spare us your ridiculous comments.
@ anonymous 12:28 PM and 12:33 PM
Friends I very well know its a wooden model.
I never said its the one that flew. My only doubt was in the serial number of the bird that flew.
By the way wooden or metallic both look the same. get it!!
But whats pathetic is that you didnt even bother to read my comment. I said
"if the wheel base of LCH is the same as seen in the pic, then I am sorry to say but the helo wont give enjoyable landing especially hard land.
Dont you think there is urgent need to reform the wheel structure at back and front with better shock absorbers as well as reduce heat signatures"
My concern is only that how to develop better shock absorbers for hard landings as well as reduce heat signatures.
Get some sense in your mind.
is it a stealth helicopter…doesn't look like tht..
Have the real pic here..
I have a picture of the LCH and Dhruv on a sortie that day. It is coming in for a landing at HAL airport.
Don't have it hosted anywhere though – I can email it to the mod though.