The necessity for bringing out this latest doctrine has been mooted by current global trends where such integrated forces have operated jointly in numerous highly sensitive situations. The Special Forces of every nation are potent force multipliers. To recall India’s own experience, during the latter part of the 80’s, its Army and the Naval Special Forces were employed in operations conducted in Sri Lanka as part of the IPKF, while, to a limited extent, the Army and the IAF were also involved in the Maldives where they went in at the request of its government in distress.
Besides synergy and jointness amongst the three Services, all future wars or conflicts will demand the Special Forces to play an increasingly dominant role at all levels of war, be it strategic, operational or tactical. Therefore, the bringing. out of this Special Forces doctrine has been most timely and apt. Not only is it visually most appealing, it consists of an introductory and information packed nine chapters. The former provides the basic information of the respective Special Forces of the three Services that is the Para Special Forces of the Army, the Marine Commandos or MARCOS of the Navy and the Garuds of the Air Force.
Subsequent chapters cover the operational environment in which the Special Forces are likely to operate. They highlight the organisational set up and special characteristics of the Special Forces, which make them ideally suited for varied role across the entire spectrum of conflict, that is from strategic and operational level tasks to unconventional warfare and counter insurgency / counter terrorism tasks. The Doctrine also charts out the ideal command and control organisation necessary for Joint Special Forces tasking, joint planning aspects at theatre level, including operational, environmental and intelligence requirements. It has also briefly covered, apart from the aspects of detailed planning, conduct of rehearsals and integration of Special Forces in the overall theatre plans. The doctrine emphasises the need for providing timely, wholesome and accurate intelligence, fire support by attack helicopters, naval gunfire, artillery, precision guided munitions and rockets for the successful conduct of special operations. The Doctrine also highlights the importance of various aspects of joint training to achieve greater cohesion and understanding necessary for conducting joint special operations.
Photo ©Copyright Bharat Rakshak
To start with,the govt should give a go ahead to the Services(led by the Navy) to implement this joint approach to rescue our seamen on Stolt Valor held captive by Somalian pirates.The potential is tremendous – a commando carrying Seaking helicopter can do the crack job in the middle of the night,supported by suitable surface ships.The Army has its elite SF and the Navy its MARCOS.Where is the problem?
I second you, Anon!
But i wonder if some other nations are wanting to be the HERO this time, as the hijacked ship doesn’t belong to us.
what will u do of doctrine
when ur navy and air force has no good fighters and ships compared to u r adversaries
Vishal,no other nation has so many of its national to gether.French had them at one point of time and they got cracking!Look how they have sorted out the mess.Next time around the pirates allow a crew member to call he should be ready with the GPS position of the ship,which he should convey in Hindi numericals or any other vernacular.Then it is just a matter of political will.
Who is the adversary?Somalian Pirates?
to anon 9.39pm
Who is the adversary?Somalian Pirates?
thats what u think not others
but what about pakis and chinks
Whatever has to happen, will happen.
falak ko zidd hai jahan bijilan giraane ki, hamein bhi zidd hai wahin aashiyan banane ki
i waNt to know who r those on
bharat rakshak forum to discuss various defence related topics
WHO R Those on bharat rakshak forum
to discuss various defence related topics
r they military analyst,
ex servicemen of armed forces,scientists or something else
WHO R Those on bharat rakshak forum
to discuss various defence related topics
r they military analyst,
ex servicemen of armed forces,scientists or something else
WHO R Those on bharat rakshak forum
to discuss various defence related topics
r they military analyst,
ex servicemen of armed forces,scientists or something else
Ask them..why scream here…this is not Bharat Rakshak
arre this is prasun getting his panties in a knot ! 🙂