Projections on when the Indo-Russian fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) will enter service fully certified has slipped three years to 2020, visiting Russian defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov said at a press conference in Delhi today. Until last year, the IAF had said it expected the aircraft to
begin inductions by 2017. The IAF is looking to acquire 214 FGFAs (which I now hear will be almost entirely or entirely comprised of single-seaters). HAL recently revealed the wind-tunnel model of the modified Indian single-seat version of the aircraft.
Come on IAF supremos…Look at Gorkshov and IAC. We could have made two brand new carriers for price of one Gorkshov in India !!! Just need to get some confidence going and take risk.
Russia is not the old friend Soviet Union. It is now ruled by vultures who do not treat their own citizens fairly, forget about friends.
The game plan is simple. Wait till the first squadron of Chinese stealth jets are inducted and IAF starts peeing in their pants. By that time Pakistan will have got the F-35 as well. So the only option is Russian. Then ask for nosebleed amount of 25 billion $ ( we just spent 10 on non stealth jet Rafale) citing price escalation. Sucker Indians have no option.
IAF/MOD/Defense ministry >>> Ditch the Russians and go full speed on AMCA, with F-35 as back up if needed (By that time its cost would have come down).
p.s. you can make some immediate money on F-35 instead of waiting years for russian payback. Now is better than tomorrow ! Isn't it ?
Expected, leave the FGFA Indian model, what about T-50 Russian model. Will it be inducted as per the schedule?
Not at all surprised.
Not surprised at all…
Did u Shiv?
After all, we all do know, that the AC will not be operational by atleast 2024, leave alone 2020
But since its 5th gen, the timeline is acceptible, dont u think so?
What is HAL's business to reveal the model? What value does it add?
Why do we spend so much money on these good-for-nothing guys to hold news conferences?
They never delivered. Why didn't we fire them all already.
3 year delay 5 years before originally planned induction date….Shudder to think what will happen as we progress more and more on the project….
Knowing the Russians well, I wouldn't be surprised if we ever get to lay our hands on this bird. Russkies will demand another 50 billion dollars for the birds which won't be combat ready by they alone know when. Involve Indian private sector with DPSU's, have a proper profit sharing agreement beforehand, keep the unions out and start your own inhouse R&D. Beg, borrow, hack, steal but start moving forward on the technology front. It is about time too.
Billions of dollars down the drain. I pridicted this a year ago. As for Gorshkov, we are 3 years behind schedule.
India should be wise enough to purchase no more than 50 Nos. of T-50 additionally.
Everyone knew….India has to learn to march ahead without Russia…Where are our world class engineers? When we learn to work for our passion without thinking of salary only then we can build fighters…else we will end up nowhere…..
@Anonymous 6:17 PM It will take a major financial setback and betrayal before India relasizes that it is better to trust our own R&D then pay someone esle to develope technology with our money.
I bet the actual induction will not take place until after 2020 ends.
It's not just the Russians but the French and Americans too. A foolish fat customer with too much money and doesn't know what he wants is asking to be scammed. I guarantee you that in a few years we will discovered that we have been badly conned by the French on the Rafale too, that the promised ToT will not emerge, that the Rafale will be much more expensive than anticipated and that India will remain dependent on foreign arms dealers for years to come.
This was expected!!! When india will induct 5th Gen China will induct 6th gen!!!!
He he.. India come on!!! You know how china is???
I really wonder why doesn't our "activist" media–which loves to bash DRDO–has turned a blind eye to the way Russia is squeezing India dry on these defence deals.
Where is the Indian Express now ? It has run countless "eye-openers" on DRDO, but none on Russian defence deals. Why ?
Where is Shri. Rajat Pandit, who never fails to cite DRDO's "failures", but is stoically silent on Russia's gargantuan delays and cost-escalations ?
We know how China is! We don't know how you 'is' (hehe hehe like stupid).
Take, for example, 'the aircraft carrier'! Can you tell how many aircraft took off or landed on it's deck before or after actual 'induction' in the navy? Do you know what that means?
Do you know 'fifth gen' is not only in look? Do you know 'fifth gen' is what we don't see.
Had your dumpling today?
good night …
well one doubt, if we are going for single seat fighter. What the **** we are co-developing. We can buy it off the shelf, one hit production then modify.
We are helping russia to develop a fighter at our expence
Shiv i still didn't understand, can you clarify? whether the russian model is delayed or the indian model is delayed.
S**t Happens . Take a look at the F 35 program . It was supposed to roll out in 2009 . Still there is no F 35 in sight . In between the program cost has crossed $1 trillion . Most participating countries now do NOT have the money to purchase the F 35. Since they cannot bail out they have decided to reduce the number of F 35s that they had initially planned to procure.
For the IAf which shafted the ADA with all kinds of bullshit on LCA tejas it is going to be the"DISCOVERY OF NEW RUSSIA". IAF top brass deserve nothing better than this.They refused to spend a single ruppee from their budget on LCA and kept on writing discouraging letters to MOD putting the LCA funding on leash.The IAF chief denigrated the LCA as mig++ on it's red letter IOC day.
Now the russians are shafting them with an upgraded Tech demo of sukhoi with no avionics ,no asea,no engine,and no stealth either plane in the PAKFA and IAF is licking it's wounds.
FOR ANON @ 6:17 PM
My Dear — India's great and world class engineers are in USA and UK. You see, India kicked them out! In India, it's difficult for the local people to tolerate competence. So, all the smart and sharp engineers from the IITs and others simply leave the country. Unless Indians can change their character, those engineers are not returning. As much as the Indians need their foreign engineers, that much the expat engineers are encouraged not to return by the behavior of the people in India. In fact, there is always some local guy who would rather be promoted or given the job that the BRIGHT engineers from abroad might do. In addition, the engineering and professional culture in India is SO VASTLY DIFFERENT from the professional culture overseas that Indian leaders can't even understand or talk the same language of their own engineers gone overseas. Why is India in such a mess? The answer is because we are "bloody Indians." And ALL Indians — OK, nearly ALL, if not ALL — suck as hell! I think India is a shameful country, and that's India's reputation! No self-respecting engineer will want to work with shameful people in a shameful culture.