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As part of its campaign for the second phase of initial operational clearance (IOC-2) and final operational clearance (FOC), the Light Combat Aircraft Tejas has just completed a two-day schedule of weapons trials at the desert field firing range in Pokhran, Rajasthan. The trials involved three Tejas platforms (LSPs 2, 3 and 5) taking off from the IAF’s Uttarlai station and deploying a series of weapons, including laser-guided 1000-lbs bombs and unguided bombs. The tests were a continuation of weapons deployment trials that took place at Pokhran in September last year. LSPs 2 and 5 were fielded again this year, but LSP4 used last year was replaced with LSP3 for this year’s tests.
Over-sea trials are expected to ensue shortly. Remember, the Tejas is yet to testfire a BVR missile — the Rafael Derby or the Vympel R-77.
aroor ji!!! you didnt say : INDIA'S TEJAS COMPLETES BOMBING TRIALS SUCCESSFULLY" so how did it perform ,if it is not confidential….
alright losers, start posting your dirty comments….perhaps it's the only thing you are good at…
Dear now u never forget to give negative conclusion to any report u post it here about LCA or Arjun
Let me start:
1 – yes but it is not stealth
2 – finally after 30 years this DODO dud was able to drop bombs??!!
3 – It is no match for the F22 Raptor
4 – It still cant fire the Brahmos / Agni V
5 – what indigenous, everything in this plane is imported
6 – yes but what about kaveri?
7 – its too late, the plane will be obsolete by the time it comes out
Don't fire blank shots? There all ready loaded wait akhand bhart on his way
Thank you
jf-17 can carry double payload as compared to tejas.
You mean weight of doubly fat paki moron?
Jf-17 cant do squat.
Hay Congrats to our little Cheetah for completing its assignments. I know it did it at its best. All the best dear and listen, we are awaiting for you taking part of our forces.
@shiv..what version of R73 did the tejas test fire?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9ZMuisk4I8
Shiv when ar u going to post abt the IAF comint/sigint aircraft contenders.It has been more then a week since u posted it in"Coming up"
Shhh… He got a phone call from RAW
That's great news for Tejas.
I think IAF must start induction of the Tejas right now, and Not wait for it to fire BVR missiles. At least it can immediately start replacing the MiG-27 and MiG-23 squadrons.
BVR capability shall also come soon enough, but like I said the IAF shouldn't waste time in getting all features to the T immediately.
Induction can begin and gradual improvements done over time.
This shall boost the morale of DRDO significantly.
Friend@ 6:50 what else can they do but to post their puerile comments. Leave them to fart alone.
Shiv sir, whwn are they going to test astra from LCA.
Shiv please post new pics when they gonna use central pylon any news on lsp6,8 foc date
Friend@ 6:50 what else can they do but to post their puerile comments. Leave them to fart alone.
Shiv sir, whwn are they going to test astra from LCA.
A brief summary of comments to come-
1- DRDO is never on time I am sure will be done after 30 years.
2- Tejas is not a good fighter I can tell you since I am an aeronautical engineer and Tejas will fail because .
3-Everything India is doing is wrong. I shall know cuz I am from USA.
(99.9% of time they are our beloved Pakis)
4-Stop wasting TAXPAYERS money!
well.. i lost hope for the tejas and AMCA when DRDO threw in the towel for the kaveri engine.. then i realize all this is just hype and bollywood.. just a show for indian people.. for example
Akash missiles set to be cheaper and better than pariot is just not up to the standards of indian army.. now the army is request a tender for SAM and air defense procurement.
Arjun tank is all set up to fail!!!! the DRDO know if the army doent pick arjun after the trial all future tank projects are in danger.. Russian are willing to provide free TOT for the new T90tank that preety much the same as the old with new features of remote station, thermals etc…
Hal tejas are going to be equi[[ed with foreign engine just states that countries will not provide a good PERFORMANCE ENGINE.. so we dont know the true capability of tejas.. History reppeats itself? … HaL MARUT anyone???
how is the AMCA going to perform the high level tasks with sub par engine performance???
open your fucking eyes are start saying shit about DRDO, BEL and HAL etc… stop being patriotic and let things slide.. its pathetic how india is just wasting money
A brief summary of comments to come-
1- DRDO is never on time I am sure *insert project name haere* will be done after 30 years.
2- Tejas is not a good fighter I can tell you since I am an aeronautical engineer and Tejas will fail because *insert some baseless gibberish you read on a Paki forum*.
3-Everything India is doing is wrong. I shall know cuz I am from USA.
(99.9% of time they are our beloved Pakis too ashamed to acknowledge they are living in Pakistan)
4-Stop wasting TAXPAYERS money!
Really great news and its a delight to see hard work of our pilots and scientists coming to frutiton.
Just one quick question – Is there some way of putting Prahaar on Tejas. Like a lighter air version?
Another milestone achieved! Kudos to teams that were involved
All said and done history establishes fact that countries that have the resources to spend and the need to spend it will grow in technology development and use……China and India are the prime candidates…….Brazil and other developing nations really dont need that kinda weaponary…..Pakistan needs and probably has great brains to implement but doesnt have the resources………LCA growth may feel miniscule but its basically proving to become a stable and reliable platform in development of basic fighter workhorse.Its not high end and everyone knows it…….consider it as a movement from the Maruti 800 to Swift……Its not a BMW so dont ask for it…….Keep up the good work LCA Team.Speed it up little if you will……Peeps are just uneasy.
Congrats 2 the Tejas team 4 achieving this milestone!
should be a great point defense/light attack aircraft but she needs sisters, lots of sisters.
anon@11:04, thanks for proving sureshk's and others point..haters gonna hate, india/drdo will continue to move ahead…
Great to see that Tejas Mk1 is doing well in its bombing trials and hope to see it getting its FOC by the end of the year.
Are the IAF and HAL head honchos going to wait until Tejas Mk1 gets to outdo all set parameters before they start a production line for the Mk1 version?
Even the Euro Typhoon is in service in some the air forces without many important functions. They have already inducted it and the bells and whistles are to be added as and when they are ready.
Why is that the IAF is hell bent on getting the very best and stick to their requirements when it comes to indigenous effort?
The Sukhoi 30s, when inducted into the IAF, were not what they are today? Even those fighters were evolved over a period of time.
HAL is not in favour of producing any indigenous fighters as it is not lucrative for them. They were and still are interested in license production with screw driver TOT.
HAL should at least start producing the air frames for the Tejas Mk2 version while the super-duper parts are being developed by the various agencies.
Tejas Mk1 can still be a formidable fighter/trainer for the rookie pilots when they finish their basic and advanced training.
They can graduate to Sukhois and the MMRCA fighters when they are familiar with Tejas which is accredited as a 4+ generation fighter.
Why is the IAF not replacing the Mig 21s, Mig 23s with Tejas starting now? Why wait until those aircraft start falling from the sky and killing our pilots?
The sorry state of affairs in IAF is their own making. The depletion in squadron strength is apalling. Yet these bozos are still dreaming of foreign birds when they already have a good fighter in hand.
A good number of Tejas is sufficient to overwhelm what the Pakis can throw at us. The Sukhoi 30s and MMRCA can take care of our northern enemy in a conflict.
We Indians should learn from the Chinese. They inducted the J10s and J17s even without them achieving all the set parameters because they know they could be perfected before hostilities begin.
The time and place of hostilities is in their hands. They have the initiative because they are getting prepared. We do not have those luxuries. So we must be more proactive than them to meet any eventualities.
DRDO is doing its best though very slowly but what is the great PSU HAL waiting for? Looks as if they are ready to license manufacture more Russian 5th generation fighters than the Tejas.
Efficient management of resources, timely delivery and advanced planning is not the forte of HAL.
It is in a rut. It will take ages to reform unless the MOD does something quickly to kick it out of its lethargy.
Rome wasn't built in a day. So give the DRDO some more time and they will come out with the best. Congrats guys.
who uses this crap lca and drdo is failed drdo is a failed organisation drdo takes 30 years to make this toy kaveri and arjun is no where
@anonymous: f***ing As***ole ever heard of INSAS, and what about your country, F***ing terrorist producing country..
Arjun, Tejas and Akash are products/projects that has finally seen results and I am happy about. For those happily take potshots- please don't compare F-22 program and Tejas. F-22 was so costly that they had to freeze production line. Yes time taken for these projects is definitely an disappointment. I would blame that majorly on the Pokhran-II related international sanctions.
Impressed with the weapons load, the question is how far can it go with this warload.
Those LGBs, 1000 or 500lbs?, need to have Israeli aams.
Oh my God ! Terminator, you have snatched the words from my mouth !!
To Anonymous @ 7:29 PM
1 – yes but it is not stealth – do you know how much it costs to create a VLO a/c or are you forgetting what LCA was meant to replace?
2 – finally after 30 years this DODO dud was able to drop bombs??!! – "Phase 1 commenced in 1990 and HAL started work on the technology demonstrators in mid-1991; however, a financial crunch resulted in full-scale funding not being authorized until April 1993, with significant work on FSED Phase 1 commencing in June. " Less than 10 years from start of proper funding
3 – It is no match for the F22 Raptor – you should try to improve your expertise on real world comparisons
4 – It still cant fire the Brahmos / Agni V – not just funny, firing Agni V from the lightest, smallest 4.5G fighter!!
5 – what indigenous, everything in this plane is imported – contradicting yourself, if everything was imported it would not have taken so long
6 – yes but what about kaveri? – first step at such complex step, final product was less than satisfactory – makes sense to settle for something good enough to kick butt of the competition(F414G). still not a complete write off as variants are planned for UCAV etc.
7 – its too late, the plane will be obsolete by the time it comes out – USAF, arguably worlds most advanced air force will retain F-16s till 2025 and will spend 2.8B$ to upgrade 350 F-16s for the slow pace of f35 project. I hope you get the point.
Anonymous @ 7:44 PM
jf-17 can carry double payload as compared to tejas. – dont make me more hilarious, simply comparing wiki u can see LCA carries 4tons max compared to jf17 3.6tons
anon@11:30, drdo has done more in its years of existence than your entire terrorist nation..it is your state that is a failed state..
both arjun and tejas will be used by the indian armed forces and will decimate your pathetic army and af..like the centurions(heavy tanks) and gnats (light fighters) showed up your pattons and sabres..keep begging your master china, but you will not get enough..
any film maker make film about this fail subject film titel "tajas ek kahani" or "bhag tajas bhag"or the legend of tajas" or "tajas a unslved story"
hal is a fail system of india it is not able t puer indian plane it not able ww-1 type of biplane muriti jet is made by foriner we thanks us mr.tank
Read This Mr. Let me start
Shiv why did IAF buy 'Global 5000' aircraft, for what purpose?
For SIGNIT / ELINT payload likely from ELTA. India wants a platform like ASTOR of UK.
Lets hope that good sense prevails in the IAF. They better induct the Tejas as soon as possible, and start replacing their MiG-23, MiG-27, MiG-21 and older MiG-29 squadrons.
Just imagine, Tejas can replace the entire MiG fleet of the IAF — from MiG-21 thru 29 !
just plain awesome comment by the terminator.
Guys please don't compare f22 and tejas, both are entirely different platforms. F22 raptor is a failed fighter and the americans find it really costly to maintain it on a day to day basis. Thus they are hell bent on developing the f35 jsf as quickly as possible. Tejas is a potent fighter.
I do not understand why IAF is still using unguided bombs when precision weapons such as GPS/Laser guided bombs are available.