A test-firing of India’s Astra beyond visual range air-to-air missile on May 20 failed, according to
a report in
The Hindu newspaper. The report quotes Dr Avinash Chander, the DRDO’s chief controller for missiles as saying, “A snag developed during a manoeuvre. The missile lost control after it reached a certain height. A team is analysing the data.” The missile was test-fired again the next day, May 21, and is
reported to have met all parameters. Found this Astra schematics slide in my files. Pretty sure I haven’t posted it before:

So Shiv, the glass is always half empty, eh? Your report says that there was an issue with the earlier May 20 test, but the next one on May 21 was completely successful. Your rather sensationalist headline though seeks to convey a sense of failure rather than the other way around.
Rather disappointing to say the least….
how many more years, decades needed to get operate this missile our induction pace is really late it seems by the time astra matures it may become obsolate useless usa and others may start using laser or any other new gen weapons iam proud of our scientist but they are sitting ducts start re inventing decades old weapons
I think the DRDO should stop publishing test results..you know..directly induct the weapon..there is no point in giving any news…damned if you do..damned if you dont ….if they succeed ..it will be called anything between fluke n propoganda…if they fail..its always because they are worse than our highly qualified pvt researchers…
One reason why we need twice the number of missiles per target when compared to most countries.
Shiv, the glass is always empty…and ever be…exactly the reflection of an arrogant Indian mind …..they don't know where they are and what are they….like a crying baby never satisfy with anything… that of home made…
It is a successful test.
Its a bit confusing and conflicting reporting from the Hindu. This report : http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/article2037476.ece says that the missile was successfully fired on 2 consecutive days. The following report : http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/article2039200.ece says that it was fired twice on Saturday and then the report that you mentioned : http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/article2035913.ece mentioned a snag. Which do we believe or take to be correct?
i dunno man astra can be always modifed to fit the right purpose, with indigenous effort they can convert BVRAAMs into Spot Air Defence Platforms for Indian army there by eliminating the need for sucky russian systems such as the igla sam. I dunno but that just my opinion.
44 km range – what DRDO are thing it shold be atleast 100 kms
Our missile program will take eternity to complete as money to be used there has been pocketed by netas and babus. to buy components again so many scams ll take place. These govt sector companies ll waste the public money and fool till the time China and Pakistan attack and capture india. These worms of india are eating away. I feel its better China captures us , atleast this curruption ll b dealt firmly with