A team from Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) has just finished training India’s Speci
al Forces (Para) in the use of the Tavor TAR-21 5.56mm assault rifle. About 3,000 rifles were supplied to the Paras about six months ago to replace the American M-16A2s that they previously used. (That’s a photograph of me holding the Tavor at at the IWI stall at Def Expo). Obviously the company is now trying to get the Army to pull up for the other Tavor 5.56 variants and replace the AK-47 used by the Rashtriya Rifles and the Insas used by regular Army infantry units — that’ll take some doing though. The company is also trying to get the Army to buy more Galil 7.62mm sniper rifles, micro Uzis and Jericho 9mm semi-automatics. But there’s already talk of a patch of dirt on who represents IWI in India right now. More on that when I’ve got a fix on it.
shiv aroor sir, what is a tavor????
is it the name of a tractor or an animal???
r u nuts……if u dont knw….thn y bring tractor or animal…
from your notings and other comments it is implied that the travor is superior to the INSAS and the AK. How? both INSAS and the AK are rugged soldier friendly weapons. the travor may meet certain requirements of special forces but then I dont rule out an element of oomph factor either. Grow up men!! u have INSAS today tomorrow it will be an improved version.
nice pic shiv. We all would enjoy if you do a documentary on INSAS rifles just like you did about Arjun tank. There is not a single proper video about INSAS rifle. We would like to see it.
shiv m16a2s were never a main weapon of choice of indian SF.no one saw it n hands of SF except some rare M4s.may be u r incorrectly referring about instead of VZ58s.