Indian Navy Wants 6 New Indian-built Missile Corvettes

Indian Navy corvette INS Kulish passes US Navy destroyer USS Hasley during Malabar 2012. (PHOTO / US NAVY)
Designated the Next Generation Missile Vessel (NGMV) programme, the Indian Navy has officially announced interest in procuring six new Indian-built missile corvettes primarily as surface warfare vessels.

The navy puts down the capabilities it is looking for from the NDMVs as “Surface warfare capabilities, low RADAR, acoustic, magnetic and IR signature, high endurance and credible AMD/AA capability.” The navy’s RFI, leaves out specifics of displacement, though it appears that it could be looking for 2,000-2,500 ton vessel class — smaller than the brand new Kamorta-class ASW corvettes that began inductions last year, but significantly larger than the Indian-built Kora and Khukri class of surface warfare corvettes.
The requirement comes with an ambitious weapons complement requirement: eight SSMs, a point defence missile system (the Barak is currently the only PDMS in Indian Navy service), an MR Gun system (“with stealth features having range not less than 15 km and capability to carry out Surface to surface, surface to air and Anti Missile Defence (AMD) engagements should be fitted. It should have the facility to be remoted using Fire Control Radars (FCR) as well as EO (Electro-Optical) sight.”), and a CIWS.
The NGMV competition has exciting implications, drawing out a possible bid that takes private sector builders beyond the patrol vessel capabilities that many have been competing to provide so far and move into the realm of frontline warshipping.

9 thoughts on “Indian Navy Wants 6 New Indian-built Missile Corvettes”

  1. "Surface to surface, Air to Air and Anti Missile Defence"

    Missile boat has air to air capability, looks your journalism improving towards NDTV ones.

  2. Shiv,

    It seems Indian Navy is getting ready for answering PLA-N's Type-56 corvettes. If inducted in numbers, these corvettes of 2000-2250 ton class (INS Sarayu types) will free the larger surface platforms from local duties and let them focus on out of area operations on high seas..

    It would also be easy to induct them as several shipyards are already building patrol vessels of this size. So a very smart move from Indian Navy, as always.

  3. @singam – Definitely makes sense to manufacture these in India. India somewhat started this the other way round. 1st trying to build a carrier. But many shipbuilding nations will tell, the they start small projects and then further move to bigger ones.

    Another critical point that the MoD & Navy have to finalize is on make high grade warship steel in India, rather than procuring from abroad. This dependency has inflicted huge delays in many ship building programs.

  4. Air to Air means missile fired from Aircraft. But india's journos are famous for saying even the smallest missile as 'nuclear tipped', so don't expect much!!

  5. I like how the followers are defending Shiv. His English is good by Indian standards but surely leave a lot to desire by Western standards.
    In any case, I don't judge his English, I am more interested in his reports, which are surely interesting.

  6. Where exactly,does the article say 'air to air'? Have any of the retards commenting on Shiv's typos actually read the article? That's what we call 'bhed chaal'. And our friend comparing Indian and western English standards (leave a lot to desire? Really??) as if he breakfasts with the Queen every morning doesn't have the confidence to leave his name. Focus on the content and it's value. If you want to show off your intellectual superiority (or rather the lack of it), sod off and go somewhere else.

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