Indian Army Scouts For New 120mm Mortar System

The Indian Army has called for information from prospective bidders for a contract for an unspecified number of new 120-mm long-range mortar systems. The Army has called for information from companies in Israel, Finland, Russia and the US.

36 thoughts on “Indian Army Scouts For New 120mm Mortar System”

  1. what is wrong with us. instead of becomming more and more self reliant we are becomming more and more dependent on imported stuff. in one hand we are building our own choppers, but trying import motars.

    off all the services ath attitude of the army is the worst when it comes to supporting home made stuff.

  2. Well army top brass knows they are importing too much,.
    What type of strategic planning is this?? why are they behaving like fools..


  3. why we always beg for the technology …our scientist r not good Enif to develop …after 60 of independence we import weapons …from other country …
    jai hind

  4. Disappointing, What is OFB doing ? Can't they do some innovation?

    waste of tax money, won't be surprised to see some scandal down the lane..

  5. Shiv Uncle, after the Congress "Palm"…now the Communist "Fist"???

    The sickle is missing though…


  6. How about the army importing a couple of Army generals? This is getting ridiculous. They want everything imported right up to their undies.

  7. yes we are looking for swiss knife.
    WTF is going around in this country damn us even croatia,south africa, singapore build their own mortars,artillery pieces

  8. The army wouldn't have had its way unless DRDO/OFB have seriously f****d up their 120 mm mortar. The army never has the last say in procurements.

  9. Two words:

    Quality Control.

    I am also a proponent of swadeshi arms. But DRDO 's record on quality control has been pathetic so far. They need to get into good quality management, six sigma, iso 9000 stuff so that army will start liking them and trust their equipment,.

    Army personnel can be part of the QA team in DRDo for starters.

  10. Quality control? Arjun Tank is far better than anything available or will be available for a long time.This is a strawman arguement. Fact is that Army is so used to getting imported equipment that they so seem to care for DESI equipments anymore.

  11. Maratha Mind,

    Before you start proposing earth-shattering, ground-breaking solutions, I would suggest that you understand who does what in the Indian MI complex.

    DRDO is an R&D Organisation. It does not produce weapons systems, it develops them.

    The producing organisations, where all your QC systems would actually matter, are different. In this case it would be the OFB, I think.

  12. actually army is no different from navy and airforce in preferring foreign buys…but since air force and navy acquisitions are much more expensive/time consuming/high-tech these have a greater visible 'justification' for phoren buys…hence the af and navy don't get so much questions on why they have sourced phoren……

    we seriously need a government mandated local buy policy – with exceptions provided they are justified..otherwise our local industry will never develop.

  13. Shiv, Could you post something about the pakistani excercise Azam-e-Naud and the capabilities of Pakistan army being used in those.

  14. Dear Anonymous,
    Actually I too read and realised the mistake when I suggested the DRDo to be actually manufacturing the equipment. If I rephrase my comment,

    The job of DRDO doesnot end with the development of the new weapons / reconnaisence platform but should ensure the quality fo each individual unit by becoming a part of the Quality assurance of that product (in this case OFB). And once a required level of 'quality' is achieved it can distance itself from the project by declaring it to be closed. Ofcourse the R&D part will end and mass production will continue.

  15. Such a joke. If we need knifes and rope then too we run to foreign suppliers. Nothing is made in this country, we import everything. Compare this to China who have enough brain to steal the best of western tech and make it domestically. Sigh.

  16. one side they says that India is going for there own weapons and on the other hand they are going to import mortar system from other countrys this is really shamefull.In this way how our country become self dependent.

  17. The army has major quality assurance problems with the Ordinance Factories that have been almost perpetual for decades. The mortars they manufacture are WW2-era designs inherited from the British. DRDO has an R & D project for a new 120mm mortal system but like most of its projects there's no telling when it will deliver something ready for induction.

    As such there shouldn't be any problem with buying a modern mortar system from Israel or Finland.

  18. You know the guys….. Instead of bashing the IA wi dont yu tru lloking at the IOF. Very poor quality control and a messed up R&D. The DRDO is more specific to production of future systems that they do not bother with mortars and QC at the IOF. There was a article in the news abt dud bombs and bad grenades. So wi blame the IA for wanting quality stuf?

  19. It’s a serious issue but everything cannot be blamed on Army. I think the onus of responsibility lies with our DRDO or OFB to develop and deliver a world class weapon system. Also government of India needs to incentivise weapon development in India by allowing private Indian companies to participate.

  20. Sir can you describe Indian Army 10+2 technical entry scheme. I don't know about this scheme but i want to make my career in India Army. Please forward me full details on my email id – [email protected]

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