As part of the Indian Army’s phased future infantry soldier as a system (F-INSAS) programme to create a fully integrated infantry soldier, Army HQ has floated requirements [PDF] for a new assault rifle that will, potentially, be license-built in large numbers. A questionaire provided with RFI points to what the Army is looking for in its new ambidextrous assault rifle:
The Army has put down its preference for a modular assault rifle with changeable multiple caliber barrels to support 5.56x45mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.62x51mm, 6.8x43mm and 6.5 Grendel rounds. The rifle needs to have an integrated sighting system that includes a luminous tipped flip-up iron sight, telescopic sight and a holographic reflex sight with a visible laser illuminator. It clearly wants an advanced under-barrel grenade launcher with a standalone firing mode governed by a multipurpose fire control system.
Photo by Shiv Aroor / Rangiya, Assam 2006
why not go for more Tavors ???
they are the most user friendly assault rifle in the world.
indian soldiers who have used tavors say that there is nothing like it !!!!
is their any rifle with these requirment????
What about the rifle being developed by DRDO
sounds very confusing. Any how our men in arms should get the best
Is this weapon paki specific or can be used also against sino?
atlast!i was dyng for any news on it!but after reading the article which says'LICENCE BUILT!' why me thinking this is gonna b private company affair(phoren or indian(with phoren investment))!Whatever they r doing i hope they dont blow it this time!
DRDO is seeking foreign rifles??? I was under the impression that ARDE is developing 2 set of small arms for the FINSAS program…This is the least we can do if we desire to be counted amongst the top 3 military powers of the world…
Not asking for much are they…
Apart from the cancelled XM8 and ACR, there aren't too many rifles in with the capacity to handle so many different ammunition types, are there?
And weren't a group of Indian R&D labs supposed to cooperate on the development and production of this rifle?
The Army also wants laser beams and photon torpedo capability, plus a sticker which says "imported at cost of indian taxpayer"
What happened to the DRDO MSMC ?
K11 from south korea and Felin system are the best choice. Hope DRDO through OFB field its FINSAS for the same.
There are two types of next generation infantry rifle under development in cooperation with Israel.
LOl i didn't think TATA was into such development …if this happens ill have new found respect for the TATA corp.
I can almost see this happening if TATA really pulled up its sleeves and got to work ….marvelous.
What on earth is this all about? If countries like Indoneaia, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea can develop indigenous assault rifle solutions, then why can't India? Can't figure out why a country that develops indigenous TBMs, MRBMs, IRBMs and SLBMs can't even develop an indigenous new-generation SLR!!! Dal mein zaroor kuch kala hai. I just hope some local company too responds to the RFI to offer an indigenous solution.
Indian Army's New Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV)
Abhay IFV is only thing missing in livefist !!
This is the FINSAS Rifle under development. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ADvl2WJb8g Why do the army call for RFI? DO they want to import? Is the Army closely working with DRDO to make the Rifle a success like the Indian Navy is doing? or They are planning for moneybags to arrive. Hope strict action is taken now itself if someone is trying for corruption.
Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired
Nothing meets those requirements, the closest would be the FN SCAR.
I think its a good news. Licensed production of a proven rifle will be a good way forward.
Although an indegenous derivative of INSAS could have been great not thru the DRDO way but through floating a tender to private companies like L&T, Mahindra, etc to come with prototypes and then issue the contract based on performance of the prototype.
Point to note is Chinese PLA soldiers have a rifle which can shooot in all three modes: single shot, three shot and fully automatic. We need to make sure even our soldiers have this capability.
You forgot to mention that the rifle should also be able to fire laser beams and plasma rounds that penetrate 10000mm thick armour and be able to knock out F22 from the skies.
Maybe its the bureaucratic control or lack or independence or power to make decisions.But the fact is the OFB small arms simply lack the 'fit and finish' as compared to other manufacturers.The INSAS weapon,despite all these years is still stamped,riveted and machined in almost a crude manner.The selectors,cocking handles are not refined.The lines and gaps in the stampings are very clear in the image on the INSAS posted.The Paint/surface finish too is peeling off. There appears to be no attempt to introduce advanced surface treatments,coatings, improve the finish or replace the same with new materials such as polymers.Changes by OFB are more cosmetic than anything substantial.Ultimately the DRDO can only research and design.The execution part and further evolution of the weapon is upon the OFB.The INSAS is still a good weapon,let down by awful manufacturing standards and finish.Unless OFB takes efforts for its own survival,the customer will look outwards. After all unlike the IAF or the Navy,it is only the soldier that actually has boots on the ground ,carries the burden of his weapons on his shoulders and fights the enemy up close.He just cannot afford to have his most basic weapon fail or not be upto the mark.
@Mathi Man
India alrerady got such rifle INSAS 1B1-which can fire in three modes-Single shot,Three rounds burst and full auto-750 rounds/minute.
Hey I heard abt new version of INSAS and also two new rifle. Kalantak assault rifle and Modern Sub machine Carbine. Latter one for special force. They were going through trial. Wat happened
I agree with you. Like Arjun tank our corrupt Army wants to scrap an indigenous product in favor of phoren mall to earn massive kickbacks. It seems the IA, once a venerable prestigious institution, has become one of the most corrupt outfits.
Finally the ordinance factories can shove the shitty INSAS up their noses. The Army's been crying out about the problems of DRDO/OFB rifles for many years(low reliability, lack of ammo capacity, lack of automatic firing modes and so on depending on model) but thanks to their monopoly they never bothered.
Hopefully this time they'll look to our PRIVATE firms for developing and supplying the arms. Like the partnership Kalashnikov is exploring for manufacturing AK series rifles.
But who am I kidding? With such a hardcore Socialist MoD, our tax money will only be wasted on overpriced OFB ware while brainwashed idiots here and elsewhere dance and sing their praises.
Why does Kalashnikov needs "partnership" with PRIVATE firms when they already have such partnership with OFB to manufacture AK 47 rifles?
R u paid by Niira Radia to post such tripe?
Colt CM901's can also be considered.It can be easily converted to any of the above mentioned calibers apart from the 7.62x39mm which can also be converted if the Colt bids.It just requires the changing of the upper receiver to another caliber.SCAR and ACR would also be neat.Hope they don't go for a bullpup layout rifle.
OFB lover anon
Can OFB make something on their own? Except INSAS everything they make is foreign licence-produced maal.
What, you bribed by some MoD neta? What's with your PSU-peon mentality?