An Indian Army HAL Dhruv helicopter went missing in North-East Sikkim (a state that borders Tibet in the North East) at about 11.20AM today. The helicopter was flown by two pilots, with one Junior Commissioned Officer and one jawan. I spoke to the Army a short while ago, and they said that the helicopter had still not been traced. Bad weather in the area has meant that the Army has been unable to send an airborne search team. Multiple teams are braving weather on the ground to reach the spot where the chopper blipped off. It looks bleak, but here’s hoping that crew has survived if the chopper has indeed crashed. Godspeed.
Why this happens every time near china border….are these chinese using laser weapons on anything that flies on Indian border…which started in 2009 with AN-32, Mi-17, Mi-17(Pawan Hans, and now ALH…there were reports in Chinese websites that the PLA air defence squadron has shot an Indian AWACS with S-300 Battery…god knows wats going on…????
Hope ALH has not crashed…otherwise IA is gonna cum hard on HAL….
tow days back it was an mi-17 in Tawang and now a dhruv in sikkim….hope its not some kind of electronic warfare from china…fingers crossed
God Help Them 🙁
hope the crew is safe and kicking around…
Hope they are safe.
I pray god for the safety of the aircraft crew. These brave men face all these difficulties for our safety.
Is it really that hard to have some kind of an equiment which can ping the lat/long to a satellite or something? which helps trace the missing aircraft in case of a crash?
I am not an expert but the equipment seems to be not a very complicated one.
Hope that the crew is safe and sound.
Appears to be some electronic warfare from Red Dragon China. Otherwise so many coincidences are not possible to be real coincidences.
Why any chines a/c hali r not cresh with indian bordr ,chins techgy is veryt hide USA INDIA will never know they invent ,this is eletronik war IAF , IA take care.
It is very strange that many air-crashes have taken place at China Border.. Role of China should be looked into.
Hope the Air Crew are safe. The terrain is dotted with hills. Flying in these areas is inherently risky. Many aircraft crashes including the tragic crash of HS-748 decades back is attributed to bad weather and low visibility, which is even more hazardous for choppers. No Red Dragon, electronic warfare here and no Bermuda Triangle here either.
Chinese Checkers from across the border. Its time to stop humoring them and start our own game, Chaturanga or commonly known as Chess. Brinkmanship is better played in Chess than Checkers.
Too many accidents at the border to be a coincidence.