IIT-Kanpur To Help Create Indian UCAV

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K) will now help develop critical technologies for AURA, India’s concept UCAV programme. Sources tell me aerospace researchers at IIT-K (some of the best in the country, incidentally), have been given research work worth almost half-a-million dollars, and will soon get even more.

15 thoughts on “IIT-Kanpur To Help Create Indian UCAV”

  1. Amen to that!

    Finally we are starting research participation by educational institutes (apart from IISC) for serious defense work. This type of collaboration is one of the many pillars of success of the American scientific and military industrial complex…

    May there be many more such collaborations and research grants to the best of our educational institutions and may the grant money stay out of the pockets of our bad apples.

  2. A first step in the right direction. We need to involve other such institutes both pvt and govt run for these projects. There is no dearth of talent in India. Something the MNCs realised well before we did.

  3. It is indeed heartening to hear of the involvement of premier educational institutes to be involved in high end defence projects like the AURA. Let's hope AURA is the starting point for many more such projects for the IITs and the like.. not only would it improve the quality of defence research but also further motivate the IIT students to further success. By being involved in such projects, which if implemented successfully, have the potential to probably change the destiny of our nation in terms of its over dependence on defence imports. 3 cheers to IITs and 3 Cheers to this enlightenment!

  4. Most pleasing is IAF confirming UCAV will be Indian. Team work always pays greatly and with Public-Institution-Privet partnership we are just doing that. God willing it will pay great dividends.

  5. This is indeed very good news. Indian Govt. shall stop the drain of cream talent from our country. We see most of bright students have dream to settle in some Western country for big bucks. We shall ensure that they remain happy in India. Give them what they deserve of their talent, just like the soviets did in cold war time with their researchers.

  6. UCAV will be Indian…..indeed this much may come to be true.

    Question will be how much of it will be real indian content?

  7. There are quite a few edu institutions that have contributed to defence R&D in India thanks to te networks built by a far seeing project manager, who is not popular on Livefist. Recently Anna University fabricated a microsat, and three other Edus collaborated to build a nanosat that ISRO launched a few weeks back. We must accept that no one will give us the tech we want, importing technology is always sub-optimal. We must develop the technology we want. It is hard it is frustrating but the only way ahead

  8. The IAF wants an Indian UCAV because foreign manufacturers refused to sell UCAV to india…otherwise IAF always goes for imported stuff.

    …good news indeed for India.

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