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There have been lots of different things said in the comments section. I have only a few quick points to make:
1. A squadron deserves its own unique identity, one that doesn’t borrow motifs, words or imagery from anywhere else. Nothing explains it.
2. That this is not the squadron’s official crest is obvious. It’s only a logo. But to consider plagiarism alright in a logo sported by an entire squadron on its induction day is far from okay.
3. The IAF makes great efforts to involve young people in its activities. It is planning a new videogame to attract youth. It is planning new campaigns to raise awareness about the IAF as a career. What it could easily do for even the smallest things like logos for squadrons is hold a national competition. Invite entries from around India within a set frame of guidelines. Lay down the rules. Get people involved. Just knowing your design made it as a squadron logo would be reward enough. It would raise awareness about the IAF, the specific squadron, about the aircraft, and about the people who run the IAF. And remember, none of this involves more money. Several officers I spoke to, including my friends at 81 Sqn, agree.
I think you are raising a storm in a tea cup. You could have discreetly talked to people in the air force since you no doubt have the right contacts. There was no need to make an entire post about it. The poor guys who made the logo are going to be taken through the wringer for no good reason.
As others have mentioned this isnt the squadron crest so there is absolutely no need for this outrage. Also things like nose art, squadron patches and the like take inspiration from mythology, popular culture and the like. I dont see anything wrong in one of the squadron patches being inspired by a movie.
we read the comments section. no need of a special post with the comments lifted from there.
i volunteer my team for designing any number of logos for our airforce, we are professionals working for international market, if you want you can forward them my email: [email protected], or http://www.logokart.com and i will have one of my master designers build it within a very short time
"Stractical Power"? The XXX movie logo? Tut tut tut. Sad.
I see a drop in quality of your posts shiv. Please do something about it.
11.34@anon, you're part of the chalta-hai brigade sir. be happy there.
Well done Shiv. Someone has to set high standards and press others to uphold them in this corrupt country that is losing credibility in the eyes of the world. This chalta hai brigade needs to be wiped out.
Thos saying this patch is alright are apologists for idiocy and plagiarism. Commend you for highlighting this. No tolerance is the only policy in such matters. Squadron funds spent on patches for Indian pilots doesn't excuse the fact that these are Indian aircraft, Indian patches, Indian pilots and India's image at play. Idiots who made this.
The important thing to be noted is whether the copyright holders were contacted and permission was taken. A lot of people simply don't understand the seriousness of plagiarism. Anyway it is a good learning experience. Lets hope such things are not repeated. Such things are expected from institutions of national importance. The whole incident only shows are attitude towards copyright material.
Any one who knows the IAF would know that in all probably the techie of the sqn would've made this, he would've in all probably been the junior most guy in the bunch, all part of growing up. Shivs limit of investigative journalism I guess. Kudos to him for highlighting a total non issue. Also the camera person in cahoots with him. Anon 1242 being a part of zero error syndrome brigade wouldn't expect any other remark. But then for yourself its it is always chalta hai…. never ever any one else correct?
What on earth is 'STRACTICAL'???