HJT-36 Target FOC By Dec 2014, Says MoD

The HJT-36 Sitara intermediate jet trainer hasn’t obtained initial operational clearance (IOC) yet, but a statement was submitted in Parliament today providing some fresh timelines. Here it is in full:
[The] Development of IJT is in the advanced stages of certification with more than 800 test flights completed so far. The activities are progressing well with completion of Sea level trials, night flying trials, high altitude trials as well as weapon and drop tank trials. The activities left for obtaining Final Operational Clearance (FOC) are the refinement of stall characteristics and spin testing which will be commenced as soon as stall characteristics are refined.
The project was sanctioned in 1999 and the first and second prototypes flew in March 2003 and in March 2004 respectively. The prototypes were initially flight tested with the LARZAC Engines from SNECMA. To meet technical parameters, a high powered engine AL-55I from Russian was selected based on a global tender.  Due to developmental issues in Russia, flight-worthy Engines were supplied to HAL in January, 2009 against the contractual schedule of January, 2007.  Flights with these Engines commenced in May, 2009 after resolution of Engine-Aircraft interface issues with the Russians.
The Progress of project was affected due to loss of prototype during flight testing which necessitated major changes like total redesign of flight control system and associated increased number of design iteration for recovery and resolution. All efforts are being made to achieve FOC by December 2014.  Production of aircraft will commence immediately [thereafter].

13 thoughts on “HJT-36 Target FOC By Dec 2014, Says MoD”

  1. Its just a sad joke the MOD is making around to continue funding and fooling parliament. The fact is that IJT is not going to achieve even IOC by Dec 2014 and that is the bitter truth.

  2. Its just a sad joke the MOD is making around to continue funding and fooling parliament. The fact is that IJT is not going to achieve even IOC by Dec 2014 and that is the bitter truth.

  3. When there is already Pilatus as a turboprop BTA, Hawk as an AJT and potentially LCA as a LIFT trainer, then why and where does this aircraft fit in IAF's training modules? It was fine when IAF pilots were starting on piston engine trainers but in the age of turboprops, is it still required? BTW Which other air force uses this kind of aircraft?

    Moreover, the NPO Saturn AI 55 engine has MTBO of 300 hours (not three thousand but three hundred!!!). If this engine is inducted, IAF's training bill would hit the roof.

    So why persist with it? Why can't it just be cancelled and LCA as LIFT be inducted, with its production in a parallel line?

    In addition, YAK-130 is being touted as the replacement for HJT-36. But Yak 130 is a LIFT trainer!

    So hey!!! Can someone ask IAF to explain these issues? Its globally becoming a laughing stock. Strange!!!!

  4. spin testing is the most important testing phase for any aircraft…it is necessary for basic flight safety certification..and they say they can do it in ten months…can be a very bad joke at best..

  5. by the looks of it ijt is going the same way as htt-40 … ada should get practical and divert resources from this project to thejas mk2..

  6. i) Pilatus 2) IJT 3) Hawk 4) LCA
    This is the sequence.What you are saying abt YAC-130 ,HAWK is taking care of that LIFT trainer.Note out HAWK can be used as light fighter in secondary role.

  7. There is no need for separate IJT, nowhere in the world air forces use three different aircraft for such training. Pilatus is good for basic and intermediate training (done in 21 countries) Hawk for AJT.

  8. As always, this should be interpreted as ITJ FOC not before Dec 2014. For any deadlines that has been issued either by MOD or their relatives, I have been using this rule of thumb, which states insert "not before" just prior to the target date. Guess what the sad truth is, I have never been wrong.

  9. Does HAL has the manufacturing facility for so many different types of aircraft. It is showing no evidence that it has developed the capacities to manufacture even the LCA.
    ALH Dhruv has lot of potential for export. But due to limited number of manufacturing it is not able to satisfy the domestic demand. This is adversely affecting the interests of our nation.
    Unless HAL is partially privatised, it is not going to improve. We also must explore the possibilities of creating alternate manufacturing facility at BEML or Tata.
    I wish that the IJT may become operational at the earliest.

    1. You must know that the lives lost so far were in IAF migs. The naval 29k"s are much more reliable and safe. And these hawks are equally well built.

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