Here’s What India’s New VVIP Choppers Will Look Like

Image ©AgustaWestland

13 thoughts on “Here’s What India’s New VVIP Choppers Will Look Like”

  1. I can't believe that VIPs are spending millions for their luxury in guise of safety. $50million for one helo is way too expensive. Not to mention EH101 has performed poorly in Canada. Mi-172 is safe and reliable, may be not as "cool" but definitely would do the job. It costs $10million per piece.
    In a poor country like India this is a shame.

  2. What a shame. Our service retirees are fighting for their legitimate right of OROP, while the politicos are splurging on helos that cost more than F-16s

  3. Yeah, and these bastards didnt allow the A330 MRTT to go through. Just got off the phone with my AF friend and he was raging about how the stupid politicians didnt understand the advantage the MRTT would bring. Stupid? Yeah right, cunning more like.

  4. Politicians ch**** they got the air-refueller contract cancelled now they buy foreign helicopters for their fat bums.Couldn't they use the Dhruv helicopter it would also be a gesture towards the local industry..

  5. I know the public opinion in India tends to be naturally anti politician. But it's not the politicians who decide which helicopter will fly them, it was the Special protection group's decision along with the Indian air force, to go for the AW101.

    It's just that the finance ministry shot down the MRTT contract due to ignorance, or possibly influence from Boeing. I bet the next tender for the tankers will be won by Boeing. This has American influence written all over it.

    And those choppers look beautiful. AW101 is in another league, don't even compare it with Mi17, which is 2 generations behind.

  6. Another reason why it's so expensive is because the cost includes a life long technical support agreement, training etc. Something the Russians are weak at. The life cycle cost of AW101 may possibly be lower than the Mi17.

    And Eurocopter will source many components from India for this resulting in capability to build new generation components in India using newer manufacturing tech. TATA has a joint venture with Euro-copter already, they manufacture the Koala.

  7. @PARTH
    Eurocopter does not build AW101s and AugustaWestland is not promising to source anything from India. No, life cycle cost of Mi 17 can not be as high as AW101: read the article on Mi17 in International Airpower Review Issue 22 and you will know.
    Mi 17 sells for $12million with support contract and unlike AW101 they have legendary safety record.

  8. Why do the politicians deserve such costly gadgets. Wont they fly in indigenous Dhruv's? The president and other leaders we have are no better than any parasites hogging on our hard earned tax money. They are better of handed over to Chinese if there is a war, That is the best thing a patriot can do to the nation.

  9. If i become a dictator of India, I will chase these useless rotten president of ours till the end of the world and bring her back and make her polish kalam's boots. They rest of the politicians who flew in these helicopters will be made as cleaners for the same helicopters. I promise!

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