The Hell Is This Aircraft At HAL’s Defexpo Pavilion?

Stubby AMCA? Random fantasy? Scoped this above an avionics display at HAL’s stall at Defexpo. Will hold my breath and ask.

36 thoughts on “The Hell Is This Aircraft At HAL’s Defexpo Pavilion?”

  1. Common we are talking about HAL….they would have just googled and posted any picture they found first….

  2. This is not AMCA, i'm sure.

    Its got canards, AMCA doesn't
    have canards, plus look at the
    externally-carried AAM at the
    wing-tip. AMCA's weapons are
    concealed in internal bays.

    I think this could be Tejas MK-3.

  3. poorly rendered CGI of the AMCA. Perhaps, re-sized it without maintaining aspect ratio. Difficult to imagine a DRDO subsequent iteration being smaller/lighter than original plan

  4. Looks like a stealthy LCA. those dimensions are very close to LCA.
    It could well be the AMCA (LCA with an extra engine).
    Not sure how much payload it can carry with such a small frame.

  5. Another of DRDO artwork/concept ware. DRDO shud have been an art and graphics design institute rather then a defense research organization. They do much better job of producing graphic art rather then actual fighter jets.

  6. hello I'm min seok-kim, Research Fellow at korea defence forum.(south korea's NGO)

    It is not a AMCA.

    I've seen this picture before ADEX2011.

    RAFAEL Armament Development Authority was showing this picture in their Booth. with they have maked MFD, Dashboard.

    They said It is a just symbol for future fighter.

  7. Rafale-X!

    LCA Mark-3!

    ALCA (Advanced Light Combat Aircraft)!

    CRAFA (Crazy RAndom FAntasy)!

    Take your pick^^!

  8. This plane is a canard, delta wing configration fighter . This can not be the amca. May be some of the fellow member's post are true that this is a improved tejas . Or tejas mark 3 with stealth. Drdo's this work is pathetic. They cannot even make a new airframe design for amca. This plane,s size is realy as same as lca. If the nozzles are not stealy then how the hell they are calling this a stealthy fighter plane compareable of f-22.

  9. first it is not AMCA…becz its designe is all ready fixed & has been made public….so it might be stealth TEJAS MK-3 but still not so easy to digest. it might be just a random photo. its single engine or twine engine still nt clear….as per its looks like single engine stealth stealth F-35…..let see time will reveal the truth.

  10. DRDO's usual fanboys and wannabe peons from Bharat Rakshak are praising their grand divine vision again.

    I expect that plane to become reality only in 2040 that too with foreign collaboration(Meaning foreign design and components, HAL will only do screwdrivergiri and paint it in their divine PSU devata colours).

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