“HAL and Boeing share a very special relationship and we are delighted that our strengths in composites are getting more international recognition,” Soundara Rajan, Director, Corporate Planning & Marketing, HAL said. “Showcasing HAL’s composite manufacturing capability on one of the world’s premier long-haul commercial jets positions us for even greater opportunities at the forefront of technology,” he added.
“The agreement represents yet another work package Boeing has placed in India and HAL since we first began our relationship with HAL in 1991, and after having received the first production part from HAL in 1995,” said Boeing India President Dinesh Keskar. “The composite 777 flaperon that HAL will produce represents a significant leap forward in technological capability, and supports Boeing’s strategy to work in partnership with India’s aerospace industry for the long-term,” he added.
Senior officials from Boeing and HAL were present on the occasion.Indian carriers have ordered a total of 36 (Thirty-Six) 777s. This includes 23 from Air India and 13 from Jet Airways.
Americans have already started to make deals with Indian aerospace companies. What does this signal for the MRCA deal now? While the other competitors are sitting on the fence twiddling their thumb, Americans have already pushed in aggressively with such deals. It is F teens now for sure.
BTW HAL cannot manufacture the MKIs/Trainers/Helos on time and budget then how on earth can they make such "complicated" stuff. Do they have the facilities and the resources to take any extra work?
HAL has more often bitten more than it can chew. While it is busy fabricating/making these for the Americans, other projects such as the LCA suffer.
No doubt HAL is earning foreign exchange but it should not be at the expense of indigenous products and the undue delay in licence production of aircrafts like the Sukhoi 30MKI.
By the way, are most of HAL's aircrafts produced in dedicated facilities or are they all dependendant on the same manufacturing plant?
I agree with you AK. The Amreekis have the MRCA deal done and dusted. The other parties in the competition might as well just take their toys and go home.
Boeing will count the work doled on civilian aircrafts as among OFFSETS and avoid doing the crucial ToT on the F18 keeping us dependent on them for spares.
What a nice loophole they figured out in our policy. Alas.
Have the Boeing themselves delivered 787 on time or Airbus delivered A380 on time? Have you ever worked on ANY complex engineering project?
Practically & Politically india has selected F-18 , may be if extended in 126 nos(200 nos) it could be select second vendor also.
If this mirage 2000 upgrade is not finalized ,it is highly doubtful for Rafael .
'' Indian carriers have ordered a total of 36 (Thirty-Six) 777s. This includes 23 from Air India and 13 from Jet Airways.'' – If india have not ordered for 36 nos 777s aircraft , i dont think HAL will get orders for supplying flaperons to Boeing.
If India indeed does select the F-teen series it will be patent corruption at its best…no need to conduct an investigation….
no other country on earth would select fighters which are about to be phased out worldwide…and which would be immediately grounded once the yanks impose sactions (which is highly likely at some point in the future)…
i sincerely hope india choses anything but the yank fighters….
This deal is like giving dog a biscuit and wanting it to be faithful to you.
Earlier it was the Doors for 737/747 now its the flaperon, if we go this way by 100 years we can make it to manufacturing the outer cover for the engines.
As some other posters pointed out that the MRCA is in the bag of US, I highly doubt it.
Congratulations to HAL,
There will always be people who will doubt HAL's capabilities and those who will cook up conspiracies theories.
Good thing that folks at HAL, DRDO, ADA are too busy working to pay attention to these rants.
My query is not related to defense. I am not in India. Since you are a journalist, I hope you can answer.
The elections for 3 states (Haryana, Maharashtra and AP) took place on Oct 13. But the results published today (Oct 22). I wonder, why the results announced today instead of two days (around Oct 15) after the elections? Why so much delay?
Good Job HAL!! Now get your act togather and deliver on projects which are critical to India's defense.
HAL seems to be satisfied with the so-called crumbs in the form of doors, flaperons etc being thrown its way. I have not seen any investment towards adding local infrastructure or talent so that it can take on more complex design projects. It needs to develop a strategic vision where it could move beyond component manufacture and transfer of technology projects.
MH370- how did French investigators come to conclusion Flaperon made in Spain by Airbus part Manufacturer and not in India by HAL? ANYONE at HAL know how serial number audit trail is maintained?