In a rare move, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd has hit back at a report put out last month by Pakistan’s state-owned APP new service which suggested that HAL’s Dhruv helicopter was “beset with problems” and that its afflictions had caused both the Ecuadorian and Indian governments to reconsider further purchases.
In a rebuttal statement sent to the El Comercio newspaper which published the Pakistani report last month, HAL, speaking through its local representative in Ecuador, one Dr Juan Cortez T says (translated), “I would like to express my deep consternation that El Comercio would choose to publish such a false report. That the report is from a Pakistani state-owned wire service gives it no credibility whatsoever. All that the report has done is make an attempt to tarnish an internationally renowned aerospace company and the Ecuadorian government. I am surprised that a paper with a history of credibility like yours chose to publish such an article without verification of baseless allegations by vested interests.”
The statement from the HAL representative also quotes the Ecuadorian air force chief as unequivocally rebutting the Pakistani APP report. Touché?
[Thanks to Twitter follower Abhinav Mukherjee for flagging this one!]
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Well done HAL. After all how Pakistan is concerned with this Dhruv business.
Good move. We should rebut this with strong statements and publishing in all major newspapers/magazines in Ecuador, but the "El Comercio" paper. Publish some thing statement from the Organization of Islamic terrorism and from hideout of Osama bin Laden.
This should have happened on the very next day if not on the same day (could have been done on Radio/ TV on the same day). When you take days to draft a short response, it's usually too late, the damage has been done.
So both Ecuadorian Air Force chief and HAL are against false Paki report.
Pakistani media just made an joke out of itself on global scale, again. Everytime they try to hurt India they end up shooting their own foot.
Translation from news-
"In a letter to this means, the commander-in-chief of the FAE, Leonardo Barreiro Muñoz, says that these helicopters are very good and that thanks to it important rescue operations have been realized."
Commander in chief of FAE is openly praising Dhruv.
Seller is happy, customer is happy but the next door neighbor is dying out of jealousy.
why this report end with "touchÉ and ???"?
The statement from the HAL representative also quotes the Ecuadorian air force chief as unequivocally rebutting the Pakistani APP report.
Thanks Shiv and Touche' indeed! If Paki media has any shame they will be hiding under the desk.
this is exactly what i wanted HAL to do. Someone had some balls this time, excellent news. If only the rest of the babus had this.
pakis are so shameless. They cannot even build a cycle and here talking about choppers! Their ISI run propanganda media spread BS about India while their economy, democracy, system and the country itself failed totally.
pakis are pakis. they will never change.
ye piti hui com ghatia pan ke alawa kutch nahi kar sakti
Pakis are acting as surrogate for china which is also trying to push its own helicopters. Dhruv have performed well and future looks promising with S.America for Hal.
No surprise… Paki's to get anything done… they even have… and recruit… like their Foriegn Minister… forget about El Comercio chief editor.. who got paid… ead to toe services… from pak foriegn minitry…
No surprise… Paki's to get anything done… they even have… and recruit… like their Foriegn Minister… forget about El Comercio chief editor.. who got paid… ead to toe services… from pak foriegn minitry…
When will India understand the Pakis don;t care. It was done on purpose, they don;t care to back the claim with facts. The Chinese and Pakis are working to create an opinion about Indian products as inferior in quality. We need to act faster to nip such statements. The longer it takes to respond, then the damage becomes greater to clean up.
Shiv g, Brahmos Block III Test Fired tosay.
The Chinese who can't make a single original thing on their own unless the designs are provided courtesy a greedy shareholder driven US corporation seeking export markets, get their surrogate Pakistan, a coutry that can't manufacture even handtools to snipe about the HAL Dhruv! Funny indeed. Chinese weapons are so bad and shoddy, even China doesn't use them, preferring to sell them to African despots and Paki thugs.
Pakis are always want to be used by others. Earlier they were used by US now they are used by china. They are doing all these under directions from dictators in china.
pakis as usual will never succeed. ISI and paki army can only kill innocent civialians not foe.
Brahmos Block III Test Fired successfully near Pakistan Border, where SinoPak armies are doing combined exercise.
Touchés are good enough for flipping over pestering psycho bunny intermediaries and nothing else. If you want to attack and cause damage you'd fly a Tomahawk to their house or ruddy sphincter, as the situation demands.
@Timmy P, + 1 from me. Finally a comment that exposes the strategy of India's enemies concisely.
Wish India's politicians and DPSU CEOs were half as intelligent in understanding this. Of how dangerous this could prove when opinion is maliciously doctored for the man on the street.
If it is too long before it is discredited then it is already too late.
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Shiv ji pranaam… When will you get us updates on jaguar's re-engine competition? Who won Honeywell or Rolls Royce? Do you have any idea?
Pakistan is a country governed by liars , thugs and cheats and if they have criticized dhruv then dhruv is a very good helicopter.
Everybody acknowledgs that Dhruv is a good helicopter. But it is yet to be really successful commercially in export market. When British American, Russian or heads of other developed countries visit foreign countries, one of their main agendas is to sell weapon systems manufactured in their countries. Why don't we learn and follow them. We must sell Dhruv and all indigenously developed weapon systems to neighbouring as well as friendly countries. For this the manufacturing capacity of these systems need to be increased.
@MrSingh Thx for info. India keeps on moving ahead.
Kutte Bhokte rahten hain, Karwan Chalta rahta hai.
I left a comment y'day morning just after I woke up about the word touche.
I was semi conscious when I wrote the comment and I feel the words weren't even mine and as if some force were talking through me.
I don't use un-parliamentary language while commenting in blogs normally.
I apologize for any discomfiture this may have caused you and your readers.
Yes, please go ahead and delete that comment from the feedback section.