This photo was taken from an Indian Navy Tu-142M in mid-2005 somewhere south of the African continent. This is a Russian barge carrying the first two Kilo-class Type 636 submarines (second follow-on order, Number 5 and 6 in sequence) for the Chinese Navy. Was rummaging through my photo archives, and found this beauty. Incidentally, just finished reading Kilo Class a novel by Patrick Robinson — it’s based on precisely the sale of submarines that this photograph depicts. The PLA Navy, as you probably know, now has 12 Kilos. And yeah, the Chinese have obviously learnt a thing or two — their indigenous Yuan class boat design reportedly borrows heavily from the Kilo.
wow that is a super photo. must have spooked them properly. kudos to the navy.
These photos are taken all the time, no one gets spooked. The novel you mentioned is possbily some of the worst writing I have ever read.
You are really doing a very good job man ..Thanks a lot.
On the other note ..most of the people I believe is not aware of the fact that Chinese Kilos are of improved variant marked as 636 class than the Indian 877 EKM class.the improved kilos (636 class) has longer range and better quieting features..than Indian 877 EKM class.
Off late Indian ones got a refit along with integration of Klub class SSMs..which has made now these Kilos (silent killers) a deadly anti ship platforms too..apart from their existing excellent SSK (sub killer)capability.
2 kilos of indian navy r non operational
first kilo is in hindustan shipyard for lastr 5 years and will take 5 more years for upgrade better send it to russia and they will complete the refit in 2 years
second kilo hit the cargo ship while it was exercising off coast in mumbai
2 type 209 r also in refit
out of 8 remaining kilos i think 7 must be operational
what u think about agostas as pakis have 3 of them,r all agostas always operational
The photo was taken by an Indian Tu-142M off Dondra Point south of Sri Lanka. I have several photos of similar ferry voyages of the four PLA Navy Type 956E destroyers and the eight Type 636 Kilos that were delivered between 2000 and 2006 and were photographed while transiting the Malacca Straits by RAAF and RNZAF P-3C Orions that are deployed in Butterworth off Penang as part of the Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore Military Intelligence (ANZMIS) alliance.
Prasun, please post those pics on your blog…will be fun to see them too.
Yuan has AIP, whereas Kilo dont. They may have used what was good in Kilo design but added own design and systems.
“This photo was taken from an Indian Navy Tu-142M in mid-2005 somewhere south of the African continent. This is a Russian barge carrying the first two Kilo-class Type 636 submarines (second follow-on order, Number 5 and 6 in sequence) for the Chinese Navy.” This is not a “Russian barge ……. “ That is China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) -Semi-submersible TAI AN KOU
“This photo was taken from an Indian Navy Tu-142M in mid-2005 somewhere south of the African continent. This is a Russian barge carrying the first two Kilo-class Type 636 submarines (second follow-on order, Number 5 and 6 in sequence) for the Chinese Navy.” This is not a “Russian barge ……. “ That is China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) -Semi-submersible TAI AN KOU
I concur. Does look like the Cosco Tai An Kuo.
alas !!! if only had india selected the Amur-1650 ssk, the IN would have been a force to reckon with. but i guess that somethings are just not meant to be !!!
Can the Kilo SSK hunt and kill an Agosta? Does the IN have anything to hunt and kill an Agosta? Curious.
India is very feeble in submarines fleet , need to make massive production with trustful help from other friendly countries & with indian private companies . Due to china already ENCIRCLED india by its navy's vast nuclear submarines fleet .
IAF is facing large depletion in fighter sqn's , need to make CLONES jet from the version of su-30 mki
In army we dont have better & longer range anti-tank missiles .
Already chinese forces captured one part of kashmir called aksai chin from india , but the indian govt is very cool about india's future, we need to get it from china .
China has a major plan to capture india & is making all the necessary arrangements very near to indian borders, i worry what for india is waiting, Is india is looking to give indian territory as free of cost.