FIRST PHOTOS: Today’s Agni-II Launch

Photos / DRDO

32 thoughts on “FIRST PHOTOS: Today’s Agni-II Launch”

  1. Two NOOB questions.Please answer.

    1.How we confirm Agni's Range?? Does it flight path cover 2000 kms??I don't think so.

    2.Why do we have "welded scaffold"??Does it help in stage separation?I haven't seen any missile besides agni having this.

  2. Swapnil sonar (bhusawal.)

    Very good job. Now we should procid further to test ICBMs. which is very important as per as the strategic views are concerned. We should have to increase the pace of testing the long range missiles.that creates some what strategic pressure on china. It's very imp. to test ballistics having their operating peripheri capturing southern chines sea, xingia in tibet,islamabad in its rang….finally congratulations to DRDO and crue sci. contributing to perform the test……………….! "Vande matar."

  3. To all those jingos jumping with joy and howling to the moon, here is a quick fact about your beloved Agni-2.

    "The Agni-II was first tested on 11 April 1999 at 9:47 a.m. IST (Indian Standard Time), from a converted rail carriage…"

    So, why exactly is the recent launch of Agni-2 worthy of celebration and cheers ? It is something that is "expected" and "routine".
    Even North Korea where people don't even have radios to call their own has missiles that are just as capable as Agni-2 in range and payload.

    DRDO keeps launching these "old birds" and tries to perpetuate an air of competence and success.

    Let's not be so easily impressed. We should demand more, MUCH more. The taxpayers have certainly been paying for more.

  4. So sad to see the Indian public being taken for a ride. They have no idea what is actually going on. Missile production batches are truncated to 20% so that the rest of the money can be scraped by babus and politicians.That means only 20 missiles are produced in place of 100.The money for the rest disappears.Of those 20 produced, 60% are duds.And we start jumping up and down seeing a footage of a takeoff.Any kid can make a rocket that can take off. Has anyone asked for telemetry data of missile tests through RTI? Analyzed it? Do it and see for yourself what kind of ride the government has taken the public of this country for. Even the simple hand grenades are duds.Army men in Kashmir are afraid to use them as they know from experience that they are duds. Guns misfire,get jammed,binoculars are duplicates, RPGs prematurely explode and what not. The proud Indian public has no idea what is brewing.Go and ask a jawan in Kashmir. You will get your answer. India has become the dumping ground of expired and dud weapons rejected from production lines.And you know very well who makes that profit from that. Forget China, god help us if even Pakistan attacks today. JAI HIND(if I could just say that as proudly as I would like to)

  5. When i was in school India Tested this so called liquid fueled Agni.

    Now my kid is going to school..Now also its testing the same Agni.

    Dont waste hard earned peoples money in the name of R&D



  6. we have ICBM Range already….and an Incredible & Awesome Armed Force to Deny & Destroy any Threat in the subcontinent…the lines along our borders will extend…to form a Continent…not a Country!! Jai Hind!

  7. From the Lab of PKS:

    "yesterday’s event was the first such test-firing of the re-engineered Agni-2. It is only after this that the tranche-2 Agni-2s will be operationally deployed, while the earlier Agni-2s will be decommissioned concurrently."

    Thanx! That is almost new and a new news.

    Now payment of Taxes is justified. Lol…

  8. @taxpayer
    damn…ive heard about kids in school engaging in sex and cases of children born …not quite frequent that
    jokes aside..this was not a development test
    this was fired by the users…practice run…..

  9. To the so called "TAXPAIER"s, please understand this. This test is a training exercise for Stratagic Force Command (SFC). Which is a necessory for them ro launch. Don't get worry about your money.

  10. Preparing a two stage liquid filled Agni might take weeks to launch. One can safely assume that by such time an enemy would have neutralised most of our strategic assets !

    Can we ever get to see two stage solid propellant fueled 'ready-to-launch' Agni ????

  11. @Anonymous(12:19 AM): Peoples like you makes me laugh. This is not a test launch of Agni-2. What we seeing from last few years is Agni – Prithvi series missiles fired by ''Stratagic Force Command''(SFC) for training purpose.

  12. Shiv, why are Indian missile stages held together by welded struts? This is not aerodynamic. Is it an incomplete prototypical configuration that will then be covered up to make a smooth skin everywhere?

  13. I see many immature comments here on the board. People are worried about their tax money, our nuclear missle competetiveness etc.,

    But this is not a missile test. It's a training session to check our operational preparedness. Yes, i agree North Korea has a comparitive missile technology, but it came at a high humanitarian cost…and also with help of rougue countries like Pakistan, China etc.,

  14. @1250
    true…seeing as how agni is solid fueled…the SFC would probably be left wondering where to put the liquid fuel

  15. to anon above: have a chill pill boss, that is a vented inter-stage to jump start stage 2 before stage 1 has jettisoned. this has been a design legacy of agni-2 which you won't see it in A2-Prime.
    Shiv, any news about Nirbhay, thats' one missile we need to develop and quickly mass produce for a saturation counter attack. Please ask Dr. Saraswat what's the status of that missile. They may have been testing out it's components in Shourya, Prahaar and the i-numerous Prithvi-2s. It's about time we got that long legged nuclear sub-sonic cruise missile for the massive and devastating counter strike that we keep talking off.
    It's high time we demonstrated it's intent loud and clear to our "friendly" barking neighbors.

  16. Propaganda seems to be part of the 'deterrence' story !!

    What we need is all solid fuel ready to launch, fully canisterised, operational road and rail mobile with credible MIRV !

  17. Good Job DRDO

    Now please give us the chinese equivalent of DF-41 15,000kms ICBM and the JL-2 14,000km SLBM.

    Enough of this 2000km Agni-2 then 3000km Agni-3 then 5000km Agni-5.

    After Agni-2 we should have gone to Agni-7 7000km Range and then Agni-15 15,000km Range.

  18. when i heard that india dosen't need an ICBM, i thought that our strategists lack in sense of threat analysis. what if we need to strike an aircraft carrier or a possible threat which is more than 6000 km away, then what will we do …..sit on chair and wait for the threat to come under our range wiz impossible.
    My point is that we should shoot a technology demonstrator prog for (mach 10 to 15)ICBM missile starting with a surface to surface platform and then developing it further into an anti ship or anti sub missile. this will enable us to counter all threats from china's long reach.

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