FIRST PHOTOS: LCA Tejas KH-2015 Night Attack Trials

This is the LCA Tejas LSP-5 (Tail No. KH-2015) during recent night attack trials. The trials continue.

Photos Courtesy DRDO

40 thoughts on “FIRST PHOTOS: LCA Tejas KH-2015 Night Attack Trials”

  1. We at the Ratshaker forum can confirm that the lighting systems have worked successfully. However, some LED lights need to be changed and one of the landing lights broke off.

  2. shiv,

    I cannot see the Litening Pod in any of the pics ??? Do they do it without the Pod ??

    What are the specifics that they test during these night trials ..?

  3. I think we need to quickly get onto LCA Mk2, if it is just the better engines and few upgrades. With the GE-F414 engines, LCA Mk2 will fill in the numbers required for full force capability. With the AWACS force multiplies, I believe LCA Tejas can give competition to most 4th gen aircrafts!

  4. Great news! May the Tejas go from strength to strength and may the LCA mK2 be inducted ASAP.. thanks 4 this update Shiv!

  5. Good news is that LCA landed not like Agni missile – night time test failed due to poor visibility ?.
    I dont know what we are trying to prove by this night attack ? trials.
    Save millions by just stopping LCA program.
    Dont waste tax payers money in the name of R&D


  6. Except for the SU-30MKIs and upgraded Mig-29s the IAF needs to replace its entire fleet of old Mig-21, 27s, Jaguars and possibly the Mirage 2000s .for this they would required 500-550 aircraft. one fourth of this requirement will come in form of the Sukhoi30s whereas the remaining 400+ deficit has to be a combination of MMRCAs and LCAs. since MMRCAs like Rafales would be limited to 200 or so in number it is neccessary for the IAF to compensate with as many as 200 LCAs untill the 5th gen. PAKFA fighters are operational.

  7. iaf requires some vertical take off planes so we should buy some f -35 b planes for airstrips near tawang .

  8. @ Taxpayer: Pray that the agni missiles don't land like the agni missiles on Pakistan..go back 2 ur cave now!

  9. the thing is there more critics is India about our defense projects then critics in porkistan .

    so we can t be critical about critics who criticizes always .

    and im not the taxpayer& i support indigestion .

  10. @ Uditt & @ Anon 7pm: He is a porkistani, if u are a regular follower of this blog, u will observe that his rants are usually against LCA, DRDO…

  11. Any Updates on
    Israeli Spyder Missile ??,
    Delivery of 80 Mi-17IV helicopters which was scheduled on march 2011 What happen ??
    More Delays from russsia and israel ??

  12. I think the Americans used Stealth Choppers in attack for killing Osama. Is it so? Mr.Shiv, what is ur opinion…..

  13. @TAXPAYER. Yes government should save millions but by stopping subsidies to eduction system which prepares people(A$$HOLES) like you, who considers R&D as waste of money…How more foolish you can be?

  14. @anon 12:07 AM

    so everyone who is a critic of DRDO and LCA are pakis??

    You behave like the morons at the ratshaker forum. Just see the post made at 9.39pm by one of your brethren.

    You need to go back to your ratshaker forum and stop saying everyone who critics stuff is a paki.

    I am an indian and i don't need to prove it to you, i can live, work and own property in india. I dont need your permission nor your approval. Sometimes i get pissed off with the govt too and its shittiness, that doesnt mean im anti indian. ratshakers like you are the problem to those who would like to see improvements to the country

  15. Dear TaxPayerji,

    Yaar tum fir vaapas aa gaye? Tu yaar pakka Pakistani lagta hai… Kutte ki dum tedi ki tedi….

    Ok chal tuje satya ki sair karva dete hai….

    Program cost for LCA 1.2 Billion, 6 prototypes built and 8 LSP built.Not a single crash during testing.

    Program clost for Gripen 4.3 billion, 6 crashes including 1 prototype, 1 production aircraft….

    I gave this because Gripen is the only comparable air craft….

    so the moral of the story is bhaiya, agar LCA girega to dusre sab 2 bar girenge…. got it…

    BTW search per unit cost of missiles and you will find that Indian missiles are the cheapest….

    So pelhe tax bharo fir bakvas karo…

    Best Regards,

    The Real Taxpayer….

  16. @ Anon 4:35pm: i think there is a subtle difference between ranting and criticising.. criticism without any reason/context = ranting.. thats what the Anon @ 10:39 pm is trying to say i think. check the words carefully before giving ur vishesh tippani, no one is against criticising DRDO/LCA, I will leave it upto you to observe Mr. Taxpayer's rants (as opposed to criticism- which is welcome in many cases) against these programs and how they should be scrapped and how he often states like a typical porki that the made in china metal junkbox just fattoo-17 blunder is better than the LCA.. i have also observed his comments 2 be nothing but irrelevant rants my dear friend thats all..btw what were u doing in the midst of those ratshaker morons??

  17. never pay tax, income tax sabse zyada haramkhor dept. Hai, it s beter u donate somewhr needed.

  18. Taxpayer's JF-17 blunders got scrambled but could not catch the American helicopters at Abbottabad. It should not be surprising that the helicopters ran away faster than the blunders. Lol…

  19. To all those who give the argument that it is their right to criticize:

    Do something useful. Point out what is wrong with the LCA program.

    Saying things like LCA bad, R&D bad, save the country etc etc, just makes people who say them look like total idiots.

    Unfortunately for this blog, most of the criticism of the LCA that we see on the comments section has been of such idiotic ignorant variety. Thankfully due to the consistent efforts of forums like Bharat Rakshak, LiveFist and Broad Sword, more and more people are getting an understanding of the sheer magnitude of the LCA endeavor. These so called "RatShakers" are bringing in information and analysis to discussions while the smug ignoramuses are dragging down the quality of discussion with their "LCA Bad, F22 pretty"

    Of course these ignorant lazy bums cant be bothered to do a simple search to find out what the LCA program brings to the table, how much it has cost and how it compares with the other "pretty" plane programs.

    I can understand the Paki trolls doing that, its sad when Indians start feeling better about themselves by running down Indian products.

  20. @ taxpayer , Besharam Porkis has just forgotten how US is extracting the $ 17 billion alms by direct military intervention inside Porkyland every day inspite of the loud yelling of their Taxpayers. Ghar Par Porky, par batein Sher jaisi…

  21. life is all about learning & sticking to your efforts. Even first 20 of american GE aero-engines failed and blasted on testbeds. Did they start crying or whining? No.

    You have two options in life – Live in past, cry about it, be pessimistic, beat your chest OR be positive, humble, act in mature way and stand behind your team.

    So far, IAF has failed to show a mature leadership. Same is the case with Army. Navy is far more mature and have better approach to things. They focus on realities rather than living in past and being cynical, pessimistic and showing "devdas" mentality.

    IAF = Indian army = Devdas.
    Indian Navy(IN) = A mature leadership, quite comparable to USN.

  22. umm a real noob q but has the aoa issue been addressed…last i heard dey were still tryin to increase it..

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