F-35 Cockpit Simulator Coming To AeroIndia 2011

Lockheed-Martin will for the first time bring an F-35 cockpit simulator to AeroIndia 2011 next February outside Bangalore. Lots of implications, especially at this time! There was a ridiculous report out there that they wanted to bring the F-35B/C to AeroIndia. Heh :D. So yeah, it’s the cockpit sim, the one picture above.

15 thoughts on “F-35 Cockpit Simulator Coming To AeroIndia 2011”

  1. Personally I agree with Ajai Shukla that if we are going to spend such massive amounts on MMRCA we should scrap everything else and just go for the F-35. As for the AMCA, it will continue just for the sake of having indigenous capability, just as we are continuing with the long-delayed LCA even when hundreds of Su-30s and MMRCAs are going to be available.

    True, the Americans won't transfer their sensitive stealth technology to us, but will the Russians? India's share in the FGFA is only 25%, and that does not include critical components like engines, radar and radar-absorbent materials, which will be supplied by Russia. Not to mention all the weapon systems.

  2. It is very clear that F-35 is the best platform for the next 12 years at Least. FGFA will surely take 10 years to reach the level of advancement as of F-35. Why go for Typhoon when F-35 is possible at the same price. China will never dare to Enter Indian Skies nor the land areas. Go for the best. FGFA AMCA are way way away right now.Ajai Shukla, Shiv Aroor, IAF chief come together make some noise, make it happen. YES WE CAN.

  3. The F-35 PCD aka panoramic cockpit display look very cool and awesome. The F-35 PCD cockpit look much cooler than PAK FA & Su-35 2 LCD aka Liquid Color display. India should scrap the MMRCA. What is the point of having 4.5 Generation Multirole Fighter Aircraft? In the future there only going be 5th Generation Stealth Multirole Figher aircraft like F-22, F-35, T-50/FGFA, J-XX, JF-17X, & MCA. Duh?

  4. Keep in mind that the latest batches of Su-30MKIs are costing as much as $100 million a piece! For around the same price we can get an F-35 with AESA, sensor fusion and stealth!

  5. In light of the recent developments with obama's visit to India and him extending his arm in a fresh friendship to india,and asking to leave the cold war politics behind, I would love to see the F-35 instead of MRCA, ie. if its upto the mark!

  6. LCA & AMCA should continue, and its not just the Indian Air force,Navy & security forces that want fighter planes, India should think of supplying to other third world nations in exchange for rights to exploit their mines and oilfields. We must learn from China, they did this with Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,and many countries in Africa. They (the Chinese) even thought and wrote and proposed to split India into 28 nations, now that we will have the will and the way we must think of splitting China into 32 nations and supplying these 32 nations with Indian made arms so that they can become sovereign nations. Tibet has suffered at the hands of the Chinese and India should never forget the humiliation at the hands of the Chinese in the 1962 war and should teach China a lesson that they will remember. India should grow, grow,grow, at the rate of 20% per Annam, beat China and split china into 32 independent states and sell them weapons and teach them Indian Bollywood dancing.

  7. @ Sardar ….

    Please dont hate the chinese with so much ardour that we lose our clear mindedness. I dont know if china can be split into 32 states or not but strategically peaking , north and south china, their inhabitants, their behavior and thinking are very different just as in india. China can be split half ways into north and south. with leftist government on one side and capitalistic on the other. this is very much possible with USA./ India help.

    Also, the "1962 Fiasco" started when nehru ordered our army to first atack chinese posts. we should not forget that.

  8. @anon 10:43 pm
    i don't think the database is actually made by an expert or an independent, non-jingoistic person.. the capabilities of the hornet i think are overrated and the rafale underestimated(alteast not the A2G capabilities)and the eagle having better A2A capabilities than the typhoon
    what amazed me most was the bombers' section..F15E at 70 A2G and Tu-160 just at 26… most amazingly.. at 16 and the bear at 10!!
    a clear example of american propoganda

  9. I think even after the purchase of MMRCA(obviously typhoon or rafale) India should go for f-35. This will give them a decisive advantage over the china-pak. If india orders now f-35 won't be available before 2020 knowing the massive order to follow after it became operational. I think India's present economic might can bear the stress of having two 5th gen fighter at a time. It will be great if india can equip its 2 indigenous aircraft Carrier with f-35.

  10. i agree India should choose f-35 for its planed 65000ton indigenous aircraft carrier. Last news was Indian navy have send request for information for f35, typhoon, su33, rafale. SAAB have also joined hoping a future for its upcoming sea gripen.
    su33 have already pulled out of tender. look at all fighters f35 is simply the smartest and meanest contender for tender. it will be best to have mean stealth machine on our aircraft after all US have so eager to restless to have a strong hold in Indian arms market have cleared to export military technology to India without any restriction and US senate have cleared all f35 exports without any crap restrictions , guys thats why they named joint strike fighter. guys i think India should this time of no restrictions to juice out some of these highly advanced US cenate changes their mind.

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