EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: LCA Trainer And Fighter Fly For Defence Minister

Vidcaps by Shiv Aroor

31 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: LCA Trainer And Fighter Fly For Defence Minister”

  1. Headlines today preseneted a one sided view on the lack of stage-1 trainers, presenting HAL as the culprit before millions of TV viewers. You need not recommend rolling of heads, but heads are automatically getting rolled in the form of super annuation.Vastly experienced senior,middle level and lower level executive and workmen are retiring by hundreds and this year the number will be much more. please note the generation which will be retiring, most of them were IITians who had joined HAL in the seventies. HAL is a company governed by mostly babus residing in Delhi. Until recently COAS used to be the chairman of HAL before becoming COAS. So ,while serving HAL he should have understood HAL as an industry and its psyche, stengths, weakness and accordingly used its experteise,experience to meet the requirements of IAF once he became COAS. HAL is not some toy company which can run on its own. The whole functioning of HAL depends on the economy,political stability and govt internations political alignments with USA,Russia,France and UK. If the Govt leans towards USA,Russia gets Peeved , delays, hikes and dictates.The same is true with others. Because of this programs have suffered.Not that all is well with HAL. HAL is like an Elephent, which walks only if the mahout pinches its ears with his trishul!!HAL had its best times during the tenure of Mr.Ashok baweja.If an ISRO rocket fails the first time, the next time it will be a sure success. why because the FABs of ISRO is so effective and good.If HPT-32 had been falling like a rock and killing what has been done to trace the problem? IAF should have insisted on the rectification of problems till it is solved.COAS becomes COAS at the fag end of his service and the same is true with HAL chairman.What one COAS demanded from HAL will be forgotten, once a new COAS is sworn in and vice versa.There was a program of HTT-35 trainer and a prototype was made,before it was shelved. i dont know why it got scrapped!!! Right now HAL has got several programs on Hand . The company which is being blamed for the HPT-32 has developed ALH and is proving to be a work horse and is doing wonders with armed forces. i dont know why IJT was delayed? Replacing LARZAC engine with much powerful AL-55I Engine, could be a tricky gamble and the arrival of AL-55I from Russia took three years. GTRE could have given a Kaveri derivative for IJT ,had it been successful with KAVERI. Till today not a single operational engine has been developed by GTRE. When IJT was in full swing ,AJT HAWKS trickled in from UK. may be honchos in delhi night have ordered a slow down and HAL had to divert its man power resources to AJT production lineup. HAL is the backbone of India and IAF,instead of advocating rolling of heads and things like that, HT should have presented HAL point of view also.India is a demonocratic country and everybody takes decisions and nobody takes the responsibility. china is able to show progress because the country is run by communists backed by military. Aerospace technologies are acquired over the years through painstaking , dedicated and expensive research programs and nothing springs up overnight. industrial espionage,stealing of technologies have become common as a short cut measure to jumpstart . China has xeroxed whole SU-27!!! They did it because ,their govt has such programs and encourages such things. HAL point of view should also have been presented ,before the viewers. During wartime ,you can kick on the butt of a HALite in the midst of the night,wake him up and ask him to subzero temp regions of J&K , hot and frying deserts ,he will be ready to do that!!!! can you do the same to the Russians, the yankees ,the french ,the jews and the English from we import billions worth of functioning and non functioning junk. True!!! accountability is essential!!!You could have presented an indepth analysis ,what ails HAL? its negatives,positives wetted by management Gurus!!intead of one sided bashing.!!!!

    Good Luck HAL for the much awaited LCH first flight.GOd Bless you.

  2. Why didn't the minister himself go on a flight? No confidence in the product?

    8:48 PM

    Most retarted piece of question ever asked…

  3. Why didn't the minister himself go on a flight? No confidence in the product?

    which idiot asks such a question ? No brain inside the skull ?

    all LCA aircrafts bar one are single seaters. is ak antony a fighter pilot ?
    and the twin seater has only been recently flown for the first time. time for PR rides come later.

  4. LCA IOC in 2010. Full Induction with new engines will be in 2020. Mark my words. What a wasteful project, just for the pride of handful of people at DODO with serious cost to the nation. Meanwhile, $10billion to be gifted to foreign vendor for MMRCA.

  5. Thank you for these pics Shiv ! the Tejas twin-seater is a truely beautiful aircraft ! really good lines and curves. I can't wait for the N-LCA now, knowing that its derived from the Tejas-Trainer since we know that it'll be the best looking, with beefier landing gear.

  6. Retarded question indeed, do people think anyone can and will want to jump into a fighter just like that?

    Antony once fainted during a parade, admittedly it may have been a one off, but a fighter cockpit is even worse and claustrophobic.

    All in all, the pet me jalan of the Pakistanis is amusing as they attempt to somehow attack a fine aircraft via such stupid commentary.

  7. Why HAL is so overburdened with so much work, why can't we establish another world class insti with some HAL resources paralally and diversify some work there, there will also be healthy competitions between the two, resulting much needed growth in aerospace industry. Regarding tejas we req 2 thing , one the engine tech, which god knows when this lazy incompetent defence minister will decide,its a good deal in itself, no need to go with mrca. 2) aesa, we can start off now then get the much needed impetus from the mrca deal,we need those techs and source codes asap, we can't buy everything in future like this

  8. The most unmodern ugliest fighter I've ever seen….jesus!!

    Is this all we can come up with after 20 years (plus) of development..Everyone else's gonna eat us alive!

  9. To Anon 4:10 PM

    Please show me a link to your dearest aircraft may be someone can try and answer your question then.

  10. we know what the Anonymous poster at 5:33 PM will like..its called Jing Ping-11, Ding Dong-10 or the Thunder Bandar.;)

  11. THe only modification in LCA MK2 should be engine and refuelling probe.
    All the remaining changes like additional pylons, wing redesign etc should be done LCA MK3.

    We should induct a total of 300 LCAs across various types

  12. the trainer has to be most beautiful aircraft in its weight and class. Hope the Naval version looks very similar … it has killer looks!

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  14. looks like a bad ass machine… totally cool. Hope all the effort needed is put in to ensure the enemy you know what in the pants

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