If sources are to be believed, Lt Gen Avadhesh Prakash (
right), Military Secretary at Army HQ will soon be shunted from office and replaced. As you’ve no doubt seen in reports, his name has come out at the top of a culpability list drawn up by an inquiry into a shameful land scam in North Bengal. The charges are that he freely facilitated the transfer of sensitive defence land to dubious developers in exchange for post-retirement benefits. The Army yesterday put out a tepid statement saying that all action will be taken “in accordance with military law” (as though they have a choice in the matter!), but it is understood that the hammer will fall quite soon on General Prakash. A replacement, incidentally, has already been unofficially notified.
sheesh shiv, this kind of uninformed bilge is no longer expected from you !
land scam ? defence land ?
the land in question is not even army land that the Lt Gen can transfer. kindly get your facts right before bad mouthing a senior officer. what the army tribunal finds out finally will decide what happens to him.
trial by ignorant media-persons are the bane of justice in this country. looks like anyone can start a whisper campaign, use the contacts in the media and pronounce someone guilty, whether or not he or she is actually guilty or not.
improve your game, you have been in this profession with competence long enough for us to expect a certain standard from you.
do not destroy your own reputation with sensationalist garbage.
The Brass only gave NOC. But the sale was negotiated and almost completed by the Def Estates Dept and MOD. Who will ask them. Media goes into multiple orgasms when they spot the uniform anywhere near a crime scene. What about the babus? Why don't you expose them. They are the ones who make a killing and takes the cake. Poor MS he would have got the crumbs.
Their properties should be confiscated to compensate for the loss suffered to the national exchequer.
Someone needs to make an example of such clowns. Make his punishment public and destroy his image. Then and only then we can discourage such unpatriatic acts.
If only we could have similar accountability in the bureaucratic setup. Just a little enforcement of the law that allows for the improperly acquired property of that individual and his entire family and associates to be seized. Imagine the millionaire clerks shaking in their boots! That would be an impossible dream though.
hmmm, wonder at which stage the immigration request is at this point.
Forgive my lack of knowledge but would he be allowed to just go ? Or Court Marshaled? Should not be he given the latter.
He would not have gotten into this trouble if he had been an IAS officer or an MP.
not defence land.
@ Anonymous
"What about the babus? Why don't you expose them."
Friend,politicians or journalists, none has the will to take up real issues that are choking India's growth in many ways. For instance latest development on article 370. Because even after 20 years, Congress does not know what to do with it.So now they say "Let people of Kashmir decide their stand on autonomy"??@@#$!! Mr. PM, if an average Indian man had the depth to think such issues strategically, you would have not gotten a chance to create mess like Telengana and undo all splendid hard work Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel did to unite India. What would PM's answer be if all states wants autonomy on the lines of Kashmir ? Chinese wet-dream of India's dis-integration fulfilled by its very own people.Incredible India!
Another example, every state has its own land rules and regulations..A Rajasthani can't buy land in Gujarat, Marathi can't buy a land in Karnataka. BJP did not mention about overhauling this massive land reforms required during their only term. Expecting such earth-shaking changes from Congress is always a foolish. Its like hoping Indian bowler to play better than Sachin.
My point is, until people move, as they did during British Raj, nothing will move.Join hands and lets move something,someone. Many readers here may mock humble idea but it will happen again and is only way forward.
I understand the Court Of Enquiry proceedings are classified document. How come Mr Shiv Aroor of all felows will rely on the leaks by wested intersts. Any body quoting from a classified documents is equaly guilty as the one who leaks such a document. Will the P M O take note of it and pull up all those who indulge in Lowering the morale of Defence forces.
Those who cannot look after their own houses properly have no business to maline others. The army has a well laid out proceedures to deal with such cases. So leave them alone. In India politicians, beurocrats and police officials take law in their own hands ,loot the nation and go scot free. But nobody bothers. Mera Bharat Mahan. Jai Hind . ID
The media is silent on the ownership of land, Why? The COAS has many right hand men. All PSOs Like Soniaji has PM and HM and FM.Obviously the target is the Army. I understand the land is not even defense land. It is like your good neighbour asking you for permission to build.When Govt has pressurized the Defense forces to agree to all kinds of construction in strategically important places in the name of development even for dubious companies, The spectrum scandal is not yet over. Well Army has its procedures. the media should do its job to bring out the issues. But don't start a kangaroo trial. How many babus have been punished in earlier national scandals before. Army also needs time to process the cases. The COAS cannot say overnight OFF with his head.If it turns out that the generals were well within their rights to recommend and there are no valid reasons to deny.The firm will walk away with a judicial order and our youngsters of the media will have a cool drink in their ward rooms after having maligned senior officers and the Army.I must firmly caution the media here that at this rate we will have a demoralized army and if they cease to be what they should be the media itself will not be there to strut around.
For all the talk of weeding out corruption from the Armed Forces (and understandably so since they represent the finest values of the country), who will really bell the cat of the ruling families and satraps? Our ex Def. Minister Pawar being a fine example of having built his empire on criminal shoulders. Ask around in Central Mumbai and you'll hear wonderful stories about the D gang being fostered and protected by Shri Pawar. If we could elect such a man and his henchmen to the national stage, and worse, trust him with the highest secrets, what good can come of it? We live with corruption and must therefore pay the price.
Case in point: I lost two academic years for having lead a student campaign to remove a professor found taking advantage of a fellow student. Not a single person turned up in court for the cases against him. Each had been paid off (since I refused earlier)! Several similar experiences later, I find living and working in the US a happier choice — how long can one fight this lonely idealistic battle when the rest of our country is full of people who just do not care! We reap what we sow.
Mr Shiv Aroor You are no one to pronounce your judgement on the case of army scam .For your information Army has a time tested system of delivering the justice. In Tehelka scam all culprits of army was punished. Did any one else other than army got punishment? What you have to say?
whosoever he or she might be. once found guilty should be shown the door. offcourse one is free to take the legal re-course. but the image of army or forces should not be tarnished. Infact one should volluntarily step down. does,nt it involve the honour welfare of country.