Back Tomorrow

Apologies for the lack of posts for the last couple of weeks. Been massively held up with the day job and everything that’s going down in the country. Promise to hit the ground running tomorrow. Thanks to those of you who’ve been writing in asking me if ‘everthing is ok’! It is. 🙂

18 thoughts on “Back Tomorrow”

  1. Hi Shiv,

    It must be pretty hectic on the job front with all that is going on in the country. Hang in there buddy, I know the feeling 🙂

    Waiting to see you back!

  2. Give us good insights on chinese incursion to DBO sector. Does indian defence forces have the capability to fend off this chinese mis adventurism if diplomatic overtures fail. Whats the ground reality shiv?

  3. another 'tomorrow' come and gone…………a 'promise' not kept…………priorities, I guess………….hope you don't 'hit' the ground tooo hard……….cheers………..

  4. "bak tomorrow"
    and every body will chk ur page daily !!!!

    u dont need such tricks to increase hits on ur website….

  5. Tomorrow comes after how many days? I think blog owner's definition of tomorrow is different from others. Lol

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