India’s Astra BVRAAM Flight Firing This Year

Aero India 2013 afforded the first view of a full-scale model of India’s Astra BVRAAM. In an interview to a newspaper recently, DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat said 2013 was ‘Astra Year’ for the agency as the missile would finally see flight trials. The missile has already been tested from a ground launcher a few times and had captive trials on a Su-30MKI. The weapon is intended to be integrated on the LCA Tejas, Su-30MKI, upgraded Mirage 2000 and Jaguar.

12 thoughts on “India’s Astra BVRAAM Flight Firing This Year”

  1. Any chance of further development for it to be launched from ground based launcher for anti-aircraft role like the US sparrow?

  2. Any chance of further development for it to be launched from ground based launcher for anti-aircraft role like the US sparrow?

  3. Shiv,
    Excellent info board on Astra. Can you please find out if Astra has Home On Jam (HOJ) capability? I have read some where that R-77 has this feature (and now can't find confirmation on web) and since Astra uses the same seeker, will it have HOJ feature?

    Also will DRDO offer Mk.2 or will the evolution happen in sequence with IAF as well?


  4. Difference between latter and present appearance of ASTRA sure enough gives hint of work DRDO has put into it in couple of years…….. Redesigned mid body stabilizers speaks holistically of test data DRDO has generated with continuous test firing of ASTRA……Bringing the weight by half was nothing short of magic for an organisation whose its first attempt.

  5. Did DRDO ever notice that they have way too many models and concept drawings on display and very few actual military hardware in regular operational use? Is it ever a cause for concern for the DRDO or are they just impervious to any criticism?

  6. Instead of criticizing Mr shiv, one should learn to appreciate him for bringing us latest defense news… Shiv gathers information through sources and he just presents, lets just read, see and be happy for the good and be positive..


  7. Now wait a minute!
    In the SR_SAM-oddly named Maitri ( hardly the name you would want on a killer missile) we are tying up with the french for everything except for the tin can-mind you this is for a SAM so teh launch platform is static and yet for an airborne AAM with both platform dynamic and obviously more technically challenging we are saying we are a step away from success or whatever.

    Does DRDO's left hand know what its right hand is doing?

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